Chapter Thirteen: Contemplating

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The next day. Kate cannot stop thinking about her conversation with her mom. Was her mom right? Should she really be doing this? All she can think about is what her dad would say about this. She really does think he would support her no matter what. Maybe eventually her mom will support her.

As she's thinking all these thoughts, she starts to look at all of her things in her room. Walking down memory lane. Looking at Pictures, trophies, medals, etc.. She's done so much to reach the goals she always wanted. To meet her hero, to use her skills to be a hero, and to be someone others looked up too.

She wishes her friends could understand everything. But they just wouldn't get it. Then she thinks about if there is anyone she could talk to who would understand her and how she wants to be a hero? Peter. She could call Peter. Peter will get it. She runs to get her phone.

Kate calls Peter while he is on the bus.

Peter: Can I take this real fast?

Liz: Sure, make it fast.

Peter: Hey, What's up?

Kate: Hey... I hate to bother you but I really needed to talk to someone. I just need to get some stuff off my chest. I thought you'd be the perfect person to call because you know you get the whole superhero thing. And we are doing training together . I trust you, you know.

Peter: Are you okay? Did something happen?

Kate: Well I finally told my mom about the training and she totally didn't understand where I was coming from. When you told your Aunt was she mad? Are you on a bus right now? Where are you going?

Peter: I'm on my way to the academic decathlon nationals right now! My aunt was upset at first but then I showed her what I could do. And then I just talked her through it.

Kate: My mother was full blown yelling at me and telling me she shouldn't have put me in lessons as a child. She was just so rude. Like I am an adult. I can make my own decisions. I just wanted to talk this out.

Peter: Do you want to talk about this more tomorrow? We can hang out! I have to practice with my team right now before we get there.

Kate: Oh my god, yes of course. It would be easier for me to talk to you in person anyway. Good luck! See you then!

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