43 - Home

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I walked into Severus' home, which I've now shared with him for two years.

I considered it my home as well, but for some reason, I still referred to it as his.

When I walked in I saw Severus sitting in his chair reading a book. A while back we bought one for me on the other side of the table so that we could read together.

I enjoyed being here. It always brought a feeling of warmth, no matter how often it would rain outside. The smell, the fire almost always lit, the books, the way that there was never ever any bustle that overloaded my senses. It was perfect.

"I brought you plate, seeing that you didn't stay for dinner," I said to Severus, though I passes by to go out it on the counter in the kitchen. He must have followed me because I felt one of his hands on my lower back.

"You didn't have to." He said, kissing the top of my bead as I turned into him so that we were facing each other.

"Actually, I didn't even ask. She insisted and I just couldn't say no." I smiled, thinking of how incessant Molly was that I take some food with me to go since I didn't eat much while at Head Quarters. I genuinely loved that woman.

"I'm not surprised," Severus said.

We both walked back into the living room and sat down. He continued reading and I just watched him.

He was unfortunately used to me staring by now. I had to explain to him that my staring didn't mean anything was wrong. It usually started as me admiring him and then zoning out in the process. Which is exactly what happened now.

Severus sighed and closed his book.

"We never really talked about it. That night Voldemort came back." He said.

"Not much to talk about," I said, shrugging.

"One doesn't just... experience something like that and be okay afterward. I want you to talk about it, and I know how much you struggle with that but I've seen what happens when you bottle things up."

"I mean... considering what could have happened I'm alright. Cedric... Cedric's murder was awful, yes. But there was nothing... that's a lie there was plenty I could do. I could've prevented it all from happening, but I was just... frozen. I didn't know what to do." I explained to him. "I was... was scared, Severus. And then when they had pinned me there was nothing I could do but watch."

"Your lack of response was probably what saved you from being killed, at least before he tried to."

"The only question I keep asking myself is why. Why put my name in the cup just to bring me there? Why bring me there? I know you and Dumbledore believe that he wanted to add me into his ranks, but why?"

"The same reason you survived that killing curse."

"I don't know why I survived the killing curse, Severus." I ran a hand through my hair. While talking about it I just had that night playing on repeat.

"Nor do I. Though I do remember, thinking the entire time you were in there, that I wished for nothing more than to protect you."

"Maybe that has something to do with it then." I rested my head on my hand, using my elbow to hold me up.

"I don't think we will ever truly know."

"You said before, you think I have a connection to him."

"I don't know why you would but it seems you do. Or maybe just, really good instinct and foresight. You were anxious without even knowing the threat." Severus was looking at me intently. Like I'd disappear if he looked away.

Innocence | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now