3 - Thank You (Severus' POV)

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I sat at my desk grading all the leftover and late turn in papers from yesterday. As I did so I looked over at the girl who used to be my bright and shining student, a student who I've also never even had to speak to. Y/N.

I could tell from the very start of the school year that her personality was altered, but now that it was affecting her school work I could step in, though she was being difficult. The most difficult she's ever been.

I liked Y/N. Not because she was a pretty girl or because she knew how to make another smile, but because she was smart. She was the kind of student who could do it all while still being an enjoyable person. To me, she made things a little less miserable when it came to time with the students. Unlike most of my students, she didnt seem to hate me. Even though I was Hogwarts' "meanest" teacher. She was never mean. 

Until now. The attitude she gave me yesterday truly did anger me, and I found it infuriating to not know why she was being so difficult.

Even now she was disassociated. She just sat there, watching all the other pairs of students work on their portions. It was bizarre to see, and I couldn't fathom why any of her friends hadn't noticed or cared to take the time to cheer her up. 

I caught her gaze as she looked at me, it was brief but with my permanent scowl, she probably assumed I was angry. Which, there was a part of me who was. But I knew I couldn't handle her like any other student. Because I knew there was something wrong.

I went back to grading the last of the papers, which didn't take long. Once I was finished I stood and starting making my rounds, checking potions and correcting behaviour. "Go back to your seats." I said, walking to the front of the class. The shuffling behind me told that they all listened.

"I'd like to inform you that every single one of you brewed the potion incorrectly, and you will all be required to watch me make it tomorrow." The class groaned in response. All except for Y/N who had her elbow on the desk and her hand holding up her head. She looked exhausted.

"Did I ask for your feedback? I didn't think so." I looked around at everyone bitterly, which made a few students swallow. "Class dismissed."

The students were quick to clear out, which left just Y/N and I. She sighed and then sat up straight, folding her hands on the desk which I took notice to from the side of my view, though I was writing things down on what I'd need to revisit with the students.

"So what are you going to have me do? Clean cauldrons? Alphabetize the stores? Scrub the floors?" She asked in a monotone voice.

I looked up at her with a deadpan expression. "You have the next two hours to do all of it."

"You're joking right?" She craned her neck as if to try to read me.

"I'm afraid I don't tell jokes Ms L/N. Get to it." I looked back down at my paper and I heard her get up. I didn't watch her except for glances. She started with the cauldrons, emptying them and then cleaning them with soap and water. She was doing a very lazy job with it too.

"Are you trying to get yourself twice the work, L/N?" I questioned her. She slammed a cauldron down and I could see her jaw clench intensely.

"I don't want to hear it. I really do not want to hear it." She said looking forwards at the wall as opposed to me. Her eyes looked glossy, as if she was about to explode at any moment, but she was holding it together somewhat. Impressive for a girl her age.

"Mind telling me what's the matter?" I inquired, trying to seem sarcastic to the girl.

"You're what's the matter. I mean I'm in here for no damn reason doing dumb shit that I don't want to do!" She finally looked at me, and she did look quite furious and quite emotional.

"You're in here for sleeping in my class." I told her. "And mind your language."

"Because I'm exhausted okay! What else do you want from me?" She gave me plenty of lip, but she seemed to be in a very honest state. She sat down and put her head in her hands.

"Well I hope you aren't so exhausted to the point where you cant finish your cleaning-"

"I'm not cleaning your stuff." She shook her head but I couldn't see anything else. It reminded me so much of the way I acted when I was younger, except she seemed to be taking it all out at school. Not elsewhere.

"What happened to the smart, happy girl I taught for four years?" I asked her simply put. She looked up at me again, her eyes more watery this time.

"I dont know." She shrugged and looked down. "She got hurt and now she wants to be alone." She looked up at me, almost with a look of thanks. She wiped  her cheek of a stray tear then fell and then chuckled. "I bet deep down in your cold heart you're getting a kick out of this."

She smiled, but it wasn't a real one. It was a masked one. I could tell the more time that passed the more her shell was chipping away. I stood from my desk and went over to her, I extended her my hand, offering her a tissue. She looked at me curiously before taking it and wiping her eyes with it.

"Until you can pull yourself together, I can be more lenient with you, Y/N. But do not take advantage of this." She nodded at my words, finally calming down.

"Thank you." She said to me, sitting back in the seat and looking up at me. "I'm sorry for... all that." She played with her fingers absentmindedly.

"Go get some food and try to rest."

"Well, food I can do." She stood up from the desk and looked at me at a level closer to my eyes. She was pretty tall now, only a few inches shorter than me now. "I have trouble sleeping at night." She gave a sad smile. "Good night Professor."

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