12 - Half-Blood.

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After the attack on Filch's cat, there were many more. Students that were Hal-Blood or less were being petrified at least once a week. 

This scared me, though I hoped I'd be okay. Almost every single Slytherin was a Pureblood witch or wizard, even all my old friends. But the thing was, and I never bothered to tell anyone, my mother was a muggle-born, which made me a Half-blood. 

I walked through the halls of the school diligently, I had my wand illuminating my path as I walked to the potions room. 

It had been a few weeks since I was alone with Severus, and not on accident either. He had warned me to not sneak out of the common room at night just to see him, he didn't want anything happening to me.

We still interacted though. Sometimes I'd stay a few minutes after class or visit him right after my last class. Other days I'd sneak out of lunch to go see him. A few days ago is when he lent me The Lovers for me to read on my own, which caused me to lay awake late at night reading through it.  

I knocked on the door but got no answer, so I knocked again. "Severus," I whispered as I had on the first night back from school. "Look, I know you don't want me up right now but-" 

"Ms L/N?" Another voice called from down the hall. I backed away from the potions room door and turned my wand to see who it was. Just my luck it was Professor Lockheart. 

"Hello Professor..." I sighed. not wanting this interaction. 

"Heavens! What are you doing up at this hour?" He asked me, cheery as always. 

"I was... I couldn't sleep! So I was taking a walk!" I lied, and in doing so I matched his cheeriness.

"Can't sleep you say? Well! You're in luck! I know just the special tea to make you!" He said. He mosied on over to me and linked his arm in mine. "Come come, we have a long walk." 

Before I even had the chance to say anything else he already started pulling me along. 

Eventually we made it to his quarters and he pulled me in there as well. Once we were inside he let go of me and closed the door. I looked away and looked around his room. It was quite large and lavish compared to our dorms, but that was saying a lot. 

"So then, what's keeping you up at night, L/N?" Lockheart asked as he went over to his small kitchen'like area and started making the tea. I sat down on a couch and looked around. 

"Nothing much. All these attacks have been keeping me worried since no one knows the cause." I lied, something that I was getting good at lately. 

"These attacks are nothing compared to all the things I've seen! I'm sure I could find the culrit in notime." 

"Then why haven't you?" I asked him, suspicious of his truthfulness. 

"Well, I'm trying to. But whoever is doing this is good. You know.." :ockheart continued for the next ten minutes about himself and other unimportant things to me. Eventually he came over with my cup of tea and gave it to me. He sat on the couch next to me as I took a sip. 

"So how are you feeling?" He asked a few seconds later. 

"I feel alright." I said, keeping myself tense. Lockheart scotted closer to me. 

"You know, I know a few methods to help you unwind..." He put his hands on my shoulders and started to rub them in a ver sensual way. 

"I think I've had enough tea." I said standing up. 

"Why leave when were just getting started?" I shook my head and started making my way towards the door, not turning my back to him. "I see then." 

Lockheart took out his wand and pointed it at me. "I suppose I'll just have to make sure you forget all this... Obliviate!" 

I quickly took out my wand and shielded the spell from hitting me. I grasped the door knob firmly and tried turning it, only to find that it was locked. 

"Where do you think you're going, missy?" He came up close to me and I pointed my wand at him threateningly. 

"Don't come any closer!" I shouted at him. He only chuckled at me. 

"Stupify!" I yelled, which sent him flying far back. I turned to the door and swished my want, using the Alohamora spell to unlock it. it took me no time to run out of the room and through the halls. 

Eventually I stopped, feeling exhausted from all the running. I took the time to catch my breath when I heard something start to move. I looked around the corner and saw a large section of what looked like the body of a snake, sliding though the hall. I hid back around the corner and kept still, trying to not show any fear. 

I started to walk again and notice that the ground was shiny and wet. I stopped, looking at the puddles curiously and then I saw the face of a snake in the reflection. Large yellow eyes and an intense feeling of fear washed over me. suddenly I couldn't move, I could barely hear and my vision was clouded. 

As much as I tried I couldn't, and I soon realised... I had be petrified.  

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