9 - Letters

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Just letters sent between you and Severus throughout the summer. 

July 10th: 

Dear Professor Snape, 

Should I still call you "Professor"? For one the term just ended and two I'd like to think that outside of a professional setting I could at least address you as something friendlier, if you're comfortable with it. 

Anyways, I've been bored this first week and a half of summer vacation so I thought I'd write you. I've been having to do a lot of things around the house again, but I can live with it. I hope all is well with you though. If it's not too strange to say I actually miss your class. It's always fun watching you glare at other students with those cold dead eyes of yours... I'm kidding! That's a joke! Well sorta... 

Anyways, get back to me at your earliest convenience if at all. 

Sincerely, Y/n L/n. 

July 12th: 

Dear Y/n L/n, 

Call me whatever you'd like Ms L/N, as long as it isn't disrespectful. Outside of school and school grounds you can certainly consider me more of a friend. Though, this is in some ways strange to me. I've never wrote letters to a student, nonetheless during the summer holiday. 

I can say, as the man of solitude that I am, I have also been a bit bored, but it's nothing necessarily new for me. Do make sure that you are taking the time to care for yourself and still hold your mother accountable. 

It's not too strange to say might I add. As much as I do at times hate it, I enjoy teaching. More so the upperclassmen like yourself.  I too enjoy glaring at students with my "cold dead eyes". Joke or not, you wouldn't be the first to voice that observation. 

I look forward to your response, S.S. 

July 14th: 

Dear S.S.,

Whatever I'd like? So I can call you Severus? Or... how about Sevy? Bet you'd like that one. 

By saying "Man of solitude" you sound like some writer, which I could see you being. Based on The Outsider you seem to be the intense literature kind of person. Heavy metaphorical poems and stories I take it. Personally I like fantasy of any kind, or if I can get my hands on it, muggle stories. I find their reality excitingly more boring than ours. 

I do take care of myself, don't worry. I'm good at balancing most things out, I just don't know if I'll be able to handle a baby too. 

I'm glad that I'm one of your favourite kinds of students to teach, and I can see why. I never talked to him, except for once when I threatened him, but that Draco kid seemed like a real bad apple, which isn't saying much if you're talking about Slytherin. 

I would like to note that your eyes, while they are cold and dead, are also very interesting for that reason. 

Best regards, Y/N. 

July 15th: 

Dear Y/N, 

Please, for the love of all things sacred, do not call me "Sevy". Severus works just fine, but do not make me remind you that when term resumes you are not to call me by that name. 

Your assessment was fairly accurate, I do enjoy quality literature. It'd be a lie to say Muggle literature didn't pique my interests on occasion as well. 

In regards to the baby, I hope all goes well. And I think you'll make a wonderful sister. 


P.S. I appreciate your comment about my eyes. Yours are very kind when you're happy. I find it equally interesting how expressive you tend to be with just your eyes

July 16th: 

Dear Severus, 

Thank you for the kind words about both me being a sister and my eyes. I didn't think you paid much attention to things like that. 

Since we're talking about traits, I've noticed you have this scent to you. It's very enjoyable. I hope that doesn't sound too odd, I promise I don't go around sniffing you or anything like that. 

The baby is soon to come, and I'm very excited. I'll let you know how it all goes. 

With love, Y/N. 

July 18th: 

Dear Y/N, 

Sorry I'm getting back to you late, but you are very much welcome. I don't mind giving or receiving compliments from you. 

Do tell me what my "scent" is, Y/n. I'm very curious. I've noticed you also carry a certain smell. Talking about traits is making me try to remember more about you. I'm anticipating our next meeting at the start of the school year. 

I can't wait to hear the news. 

With love, Severus. 

July 23rd: 

Dear Y/N, 

I hope you're okay. I haven't heard back from you... please let me know what's going on as soon as you can. 

From, Severus. 

July 24th: 

Dear Severus, 

I'm sorry for my sudden disappearance. I had to deal with everything that happened, though it's reassuring to me to know you care. 

My mother went into labour and... the baby didn't make it. She's been grieving and I've been so busy taking care of everything I haven't had time to grief or reply. But physically I am okay. I'm in desperately anxious for the school year to start. 

From, Y/N. 

July 24th: 

I'm relieved to hear from you again, however, I'm terribly sorry for the circumstances. I send my best regards. School starts soon enough, and when it does the potions room door will be open for you. 

Love, Severus. 

July 25th: 

A reply the same day and that signing off? Don't tell my you've grown attached to me Sevy. 

Love, Y/N. 

July 26th: 

Not if you plan on using that name. If I stop replying after this it's because I'm preparing for the school year. I will see you soon Y/N, please let me know if you need anything from me. 

Love, Severus. 

I read the last few letters Severus and I had sent to each other, a smile on my face and a fire in my chest. It made me so happy to see, but I couldn't help but wonder if I was being toyed with in some way. The letters felt exactly how they read, but is that what it really was? Or was it all in my head? 

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