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I wake up to a body jumping on me and laughs. And then it's the scent of Beyoncé's naturey smelling perfume.

"Wake up, GUrrrllllluh!"


Beyoncé lays next to me and gets up in my face, almost smashing our noses together.

"Wake up." She starts obnoxiously smacking her gum.

I chuckle hard.

"C'mon, we got arts and crafts in like 30 minutes."

"30 MINUTES!?!?!?!"

"Yup, we tried calling you but you was saying "five more minutes" over and over again. You did this ta yaself."

She widens her eyes and chuckles.

"Get. Up. Now."

We've become close friends as of the last two weeks. I mean we're always shoulder to shoulder.


I'm out of the bed in one swift movement and find the clothes I picked out last night after my shower.

The other girls begin to annoyingly tell me to get in the shower and I nearly begin to get loud at the mouth.

What a way to wake up.


Beyoncé is falling asleep on my shoulder.

The guys are playing football on the field and here, a few feet in front of where we sit, there are about 14 playing basketball with those mesh jersey's you can reverse to get yellow or blue.

Beyoncé and I decided to watch and make sure they don't go rogue on the water bottles in the coolers.

These guys are so disgusting honestly. They grab one and drink some and squeeze the bottle and don't even close it all the way and throw it to the side.


And then they let it fall over so ants can crawl into the top and then it's undrinkable.

Plus is was this or having to clean up and as clean as I am, I don't wanna have to clean while listening to other people gossip and talk shit.

Beyoncé nearly falls over.

"Just lay on my lap."

She does so without question, laying her head on my lap and resting it over her hands. I play with her head a bit and am vigilant. One of the 15 year old comes over and takes three water bottles.

"Aye, have some class, don't be fucking greedy!"

"You fuckin' tell 'em, Meg."

"Take yo' ass to sleep. Wasn't you fallin' ova?" I playfully pop the side of her head.

She adjusts her head a bit and closes her eyes.

I play in her hair and soon hear some quiet snores.

I gently take a section of her hair and begin braiding. It's always been a habit for me. Beyoncé loves it though.

She snores and our ears are filled with wild laughter and the basketball drilling on the concrete ground. Every once in a while we here the metal fence jingle if the ball or a person hits it at full force, occasionally we hear curses and idle threats exchanged between the guys as they compete mutually.

Amongst the chaos, I can't keep my focus off of Beyoncé. She's a perfect woman and my mind goes there.

I swear it's like a deja vu feeling when the intrusive thought of Beyoncé and I kissing begins to play over and over again. A friendly kiss on the lips that's meaningful her quick. The image that continues to replay in my head is me dipping my head down from this very position and just connecting our lips.

Beyoncé stirs to basically be facing up at the sky.

She sighs and then grabs my hand gently.

She's still sleeping and I'm as still as a statue, being so caught off guard.

The basketball loudly dribbles across the ground and she's unfazed. Dare I say it seems like she feels safe.

She doesn't wake up until the basketball comes flying in our direction and hits the fence. Me literally grabbing her and sliding to the right.

"Chile, we might as well just go to the cabin." I suggest. "So you can sleep calmly."

She yawns and nods.

We both get up and get going, Beyoncé yawning and stretching as we walk through camp to the wooden cabin.


This is quick and short < 3


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