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Jordyn is getting fussed at for having an attitude with mama this morning so that's what I'm waking up to. They're just verbally arguing back and forth. Mama says there's no use in swatting her or anything since Jordyn is taller than her. I worry for mama. I love my sister and all and we do get along sometimes but she definitely is very out of pocket. Has zero regard for respect and decency. Hopefully she ages out of it. She's one of those chicks that flexes having an "attitude problem" and it's the worse.

I start moving to get ready for the day, seeing what I want to wear then stepping out of the shower. I opt for a brown velour tracksuit.

Maybe Jordyn was right last night. I guess it wouldn't hurt to swing by Beyoncé's place.

By the time I come out of my bedroom with my dirty clothes and towel in hand, my mama and Jordyn have stopped going back and forth. My mama looks drained and defeated.

"Finally got yo' sister to calm down."

"She okay?"

"Got to be teenage hormones, girl I hate it. Didn't hit you bad though." She looks my outfit up and down with a smile. "You look good, goin' to see ya girlfriend?"

I smile, "yeah, can I?"

"You do your work and behave, of course. Be safe and get some breakfast before though, Meg."

"Ight, thanks mama."

My mama goes down the hallway where our bedrooms are and the arguing tiles back up again. I quickly eat my bacon and grits and start heading out the door.


I knock on the door and Tina answers with a smile.

"Hey, sweetheart! You lookin' for Beyoncé, right?"

I nod, "She here?"

"Yeah, come on in." She waves me inside then closes the door behind me. "Between you and I she's going through something but I think you'll make her feel better."

I furrow my brows, worried. I felt something was wrong. She motions for me to set my things down and go upstairs.

"I'm getting lunch in order. Go see her."

"Yes ma'am."

I head upstairs while Miss Tina heads to the kitchen again.

"Baby." I call out as I make my way up the steps. "Bae."

I slowly open her bedroom door but don't see her. Then I go into her bathroom, the door open and the light on, it's the door next to her closet.

"Baby." I try to knock on something and stomp a bit so she can sense me if her hearing aids are off. "Beyoncé."

I stop at the doorway of the bathroom and wave my hand out.

Beyoncé isn't being nor undressed so I go in.


Blood spilling from the side of her head. She's trying to stop it with a tissue but is frozen in shock when she sees me.

"Baby, what happened?!"

"A lot baby. But I'm good. Okay. Nothing serious."

She pulls her hand away and I can see her magnet from her cochlear implant.


"Baby, it's nothing."

"It is."

I slowly and gently grab her face and tilt to see her head better. The magnet is absolutely visible. I see maybe she went to get it stitched but the stitches are gone.

"Baby, you pull these stitches out?"

"Nah, they had a student doctor do it and it didn't last."

"Imma help you, and then we can talk about what happened Ight?"

"Megan, you don't have to."

"Yes I do." I grab the gauzes and press it firmly to the side of her head. "You my woman, and I'd do anything for you, you know that. So c'mon. Stay still Ight? Ion want to hurt you more."

Beyoncé stays still like a statue and I stop the bleeding. I pull away and look. It's not big at all. Just the size of a keyhole.

I think of a method I saw online a while ago. They take the hair nearest to it and tie two strands at a time to close it up. My heart is literally thumping out of my chest, hurting for her.

"Just know that I love you."

I start moving slowly and gently. Beyoncé winces and her eyes water a bit but it's not too bad.
All it took were two knots.

I kiss her cheek and wipe her eyes.

"Shit that hurt but thanks." She says as she looks in the mirror.

"Ight, you wanna tell me what happened?"

"My dad showed up and he got aggressive. Tried to make sure he ain't touch on my mom."

"He did this to you?!" My eyes widen.

Beyoncé nods, "that's why I didn't call or text. It was a whole ordeal and my mom just calmed down today."

I nod, "I understand. You need anything you know I'm here, okay?"

"Thank you but you in your senior year I don't want you worried or any--"

"Beyoncé, you my woman, of course I'm gone worry and stuff." I say. "But it's because I care about you."

She seems a bit unconvinced.

"C'mon, let's sit down. You got some water?"

"Yeah, but I ain't thirsty."

She sits next to me on the bed and leans on me.

"You don't have to let things pile on. Don't go past your emotional limits because you scared."

She interjects, "I ain't scared."

"Stubborn is the word then?" I arch my brow.

She looks at me. Them damn hazel eyes. I look away for a split second.

She doesn't debate it, "Don't go past your limits just because you stubborn."

She nods and just leans into me.

"I care about you a lot, baby."

"Me too, Mamas."

"You can't be disappearing on me like that."

"I know bae. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you don't have to." I say. "He do anything else to you?"

"Naw, just talking out of his ass and saying shit to say shit. Nothing major but it's whatever now. The past." She says. "Can we change the subject? You gorgeous as hell with these soft locs."


"And this outfit." She starts smirking really crazy. "You perfect, Megs."

"Thanks, baby."

She plants a big warm kiss to my lips.

"C'mon, you wanna lay down and watch a movie? A show? Anything?"

"Yeah. Sounds good."

I lay down on the bed parallel to the tv and Beyoncé sits between my legs, her back to my front. I gently massage her shoulders as we both flip through Hulu to see what we want to watch.

I'm happy to be with her again.


Thoughts on Beyoncé?


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