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The both of them stand in the shower together as the water runs over their bare bodies. It's the bight before the wedding and they are sneaking in a quick shower before Beyonce retreats to her respective bedroom and doesn't see her future wife until it's time to meet at the altar.

They wash each other and talk aimlessly. Crack inside jokes and each begin to form their own ideas of their future. They'll probably make some renovations to the house and maybe get some pets. Beyoncé and Megan agreed they want a more exotic pet. Maybe a chameleon or some type of lizard.

They'll start their own married couple traditions. Go to groceries stores together with a new energy and vibe to them, Beyoncé pushing the cart and Megan walking around seeing what they need and the both of them active and participating in choosing snacks and sweets.

They will go on swims in their big ass pool in the backyard. Megan will take pictures by the pool while her wife swims away her struggles, and allows the ripples that Megan sends her direction by sloshing the water to wash anything away and off of her.

Megan will make sure Beyoncé doesn't fuck up her hearing aids when she falls asleep during a movie. She will set them to the side to charge and sign something reassuring to her wife since she won't hear much until her hearing aids go back on.

Megan will save Beyoncé's fruitless attempts at cooking all the time, Beyoncé will just stare at Megan in disbelief trying to connect the dots between how her result came out bad when she did the exact same thing. Megan will laugh but in the end they will eat together happily.

"Baby." Beyoncé softly hums as she rinses the soap off her body.

She wrings out the washcloth over her skin so the water will wash it all away and then stand under the shower head.


"We're really doing it."

"I know, tomorrow too."

"Cmere." Beyoncé pulls Megan in for a sloppy kiss.

Megan hums and Beyoncé settles her arms at her waist.

They'll cry at the altar tomorrow so much and barely be able to keep their composure. Tina and Holly will be in the front row crying on each other seeing their babies grow up and take the next step. They know their daughters made the right choices choosing good people.

Shawn will be the best man, hooting and hollering to try to lighten the mood and the whole chapel will laugh.

Beyoncé looks over her wife's features. Features she will watch age with time and wrinkle. Features she will kiss on and look at while they converse. Features she will recognize her wife by. Warm fountains of chocolate in Megan's eyes that she will always stare into whenever she can.

Megan will take note and memorize all of Beyoncé's features too. She will kiss every one of them whenever she gets the chance too. Compliment her to the moon and back, stare at her until Beyoncé erupts in laughs.

The two of them are beyond elated for their wedding day. The two of them will be in dresses tomorrow and won't be able to hide smiles much.

"I love you so much."

"Me more."

"Aye, Bey."

"Yeah?" Beyoncé says. "What?"

Megan swoops in for one more kiss before they get out the shower and get dressed. They say their last good nights as Fiancé's and Beyoncé heads to her hotel room.

Megan goes to sleep that night clutching hard at the blanket and falling asleep to the thought of her wife.


No book 2 yall sorry 😘

Anywho, as i was writing this i noticed how much I've grown writing wise since my last Megyonce book i'd say written abt a year ago (i just checked it'll be a year old in mid june). Im so grateful for all that took the time ti read every chapter and left comments and encouraged me to keep writing. I love to write and create my own little worlds and I love to share them as well. Writing is a powerful and beautiful thing and I love to create not only for yall but myself.

Fear not though, i am now in a brief break so i can create the outlines for two new books (megnika and megmani). Feel free to request other pairings yall would like to see in other books.

Have a good/night day. Love yall ❤️

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