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tw: seizure

Megan and I started classes today. She has her license now so she drove herself and I went to my morning class already.

So I'm home alone until her classes are over and she gets here. I huff at the thought because I want her with me right now. No one talks about how busy adulthood keeps you.

"Hey man, you hear me good!" I have my friend Shawn on the phone.

I need someone to talk to in the meantime so I thought I'd call up an old friend.

"Yeah, man. You good, G?"

Shawn is studying business. He's a sophomore at City College of New York. One thing is, he's a good friend who was watching out for me in a new city at the time.

"Yup, you?"

"I'm good. You doing that trade school thang?"

"Yeah, man."

"How that going, you building cars yet?"

I chuckle two weeks into the year and we are just now learning the parts and tools and what the tools do.

"Nah, man. That sounds like a second semester or second year thing."

He laughs on the other end, "aye man, tell me 'bout ya girl."

"Megan's perfect man." I smile as I gush about my girlfriend. "I'm telling you she smart, sweet, funny. I love her so much I'm telling you."

"Man..." Shawn hoots. "What else? Cuz you sounding like you got her pictures in yo' journals or some shit."

"Man, you can shut the hell up." I chuckle.

Almost on cue, Megan comes through the door with some leftovers from her mom's house like she told me she'd bring.

"Hey mamas."

"Yo' she there whichu right now?"

"My baby just walked through the door." I smile and kiss her back as she sets the food down in my nightstand and greets me quietly. "Heyyyyy."

Im immediately all smiley because her smile is the most attractive and infectious thing ever.

She lays down next to me

"Hey." Shawn says.

"Hey." Megan answers.

I go ahead and stop it at that with Shawn's flirtatious ass. She's mine.

"Aye man, imma leave y'all alone. Take care y'all two. G keep me posted on your building and shit."

We laugh at his choice of words. I hang up almost immediately after we both say bye and bring Megan in for another kiss.

"C'mere. How was your first day at college?"

"Good." She's expressed how important college is for her so seeing her wide smile warms me all over. "What about you, Bey the Builder?"

I smirk hard, "pretty good. You're here."

She snuggles her face into the crook of my neck and kisses up to my jawline. "Bae."


"Why you gotta be so perfect?"

I smile and kiss her. "I could ask you the same."


Im in the studio practicing how to put together the basics of an engine. I've been here for an hour already and I refuse to go sign out and go home until I do this right. I wanna be good at my craft.

I'm standing over the hood of the car that was given to us students. We were all instructed to work together but all of them gave up completely and went home. Some because they got lazy, others were on a schedule and had obligations either to go to work or attend other classes.

My head involuntarily jerks to the side. I shrug it off, thinking it's from being in an awkward hunched post option for at least two hours, but then it happens and I lose my balance, falling on my ass. I manage to bury my face in my hands as I continue to involuntarily tremble and some drool falls onto my lap. Cold flashes rush over my body in droves.

My eyes twitch back and forth, my vision blurry as hell. I can breathe but I can't at the same time, it feels like I'm drowning.

I finally come to and I realize it might be time to clock out and recollect what just happened.

I've seen seizures before. When I was constantly in the hospital for evaluations specifically on my TBI, I'd often see kids my age at the time just drop to the ground and seize. Sometimes there's be kids having silent seizures and their mothers would struggle to not bring attention to it and make sure they wouldn't fall forward or hurt themselves.

I search for the sign out sheet and sign it quickly, grabbing my bag in the way out and heading to my car to find my way home.

Im a little dizzy, but it's not a far drive from here to home.


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