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smut warning !!!

I've clung to Beyoncé's side. Second semester starts in two days and I'm not ready to not be seeing Beyoncé as often as I have been for the past two weeks.

I straddle her half awake ass and press soft kisses to her.

I can't do anything without her immediately next to me if feels like.

I tenderly suck on the soft skin of her neck. Giving her a bit of a hickey, but she doesn't mind, as a matter of fact she squeezes my ass cheeks.

"What we gon' do today?"

I shrug. My heart goes a mile a minute whenever she looks at me and it's doing that right now. Beyoncé smirks and I turn my head away only for Beyoncé ego try to get me to look back at her.

"Don't be looking away now, mama."

She gets a firm hold on my waist.

I can't help the way my pussy is already pulsing.

"Shit, Beyoncé."

"What?" She tries acting clueless.

I try to move off of her because I swear I need to squeeze my legs together. She knows what she's doing too with her tone of voice and smile. She just hangs onto me as I move to lay on my back.

My body is on fire and I need her.

She starts to kiss me on my neck but moves down quickly. I have a tank top on, so she moves the neck of it down, causing my tits to fall out of them. She immediately attatched her mouth to my left nipple. Massaging my pussy with her left hand over the fabric of my leggings.

I'm basically a waterfall at this point. I can't keep my mouth closed.


Beyoncé chuckles and grabs my face to plant multiple kisses on me. She snakes her hand past the hand of my leggings and underwear and her fingers are in my clit.

"Shit, Beyoncé."

"That ain't my fuckin' name."

She grabs my throat and lightly squeezes it. I love this shit. Slightly aggressive but not too much.


She slightly releases my neck and kisses down it as she rubs circles and shapes onto my clit you'd think she'd be drawing some type of rune with my clit. She moves so skillfully and elaborately.

I jerk a bit when I feel I'm coming close. My entire body tenses and I shudder.

"Who's pussy is this?"

"Yours." I answer quickly.

"Who do I belong to?"


"Who do you belong to?"


I twice and my legs shake, Beyoncé holding the same position and keeping my legs spread. I'm glad she's doing that or else I'd fall off the damn bed with how hard this orgasm is hitting me.

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