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tw: violence, drug mention, injuries, etc...

I'm FaceTiming with Beyoncé when I hear the first of the arguing with my mother.

"Sorry, bae."

"Don't apologize. You're fine." She reassured on her end. "You good though?"

Beyoncé tries asking me if I'm okay but then J hear the fighting escalate and hang up abruptly at the sound of a slap. It's a clear slap.

I leap to my feet and see my mama trying to subdue an angry Jordyn who's yelling and cussing.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim and try to pull Jordyn away.

Jordyn has been being reckless with a boy as of recently. A wannabe gangbanger who decided it would be cute to take her to a risky area of town. She lied and said her phone died, then she couldn't keep up with that lie. There was a robbery and a nasty police standoff along with other illegal shit going on and my mama and I and Beyoncé were panicking tryin to find her. Mama is trying to split them up because she doesn't want anything to happen to Jordyn but my sister is so deeply in it with this guy that even I don't know if she's salvageable.

We just want Jordyn safe.

"Megan, help get that lil boy out my house!"

I look behind me and I see the guy through the threshold of Jordyn's bedroom door and he's struggling to put his pants on and stuff things in his book bag.

I let go of Jordyn and her and mama go at it, I go up to the guy who has a full blown beard. But it's a puberty Stache. He's in the same grade as Jordyn.

"Look man, getcha stuff. You grown enough to know better."

He's hella scared at the sight of my mama finally getting leverage and beating Jordyn down.

He slides past them and heads out the front door. Weird, he left shirtless too. Saggin real bad.

Jordyn tries to go after him and almost does but I catch her.

Then it's her and I fist fighting one on one.

I feel my heart beating out of my chest as I try to roll onto her and pin her down so she won't hurt myself or herself.


Jordyn and her dad and our mama are all in the living room right now talking.

She's been out of control for a year and mama doesn't know what to do to be able to fix the behavior. Therapy hasn't worked, nothing.

Jordyn didn't injure me much, I mostly have bruises. I haven't called Beyoncé back because I'm trying to absorb the fact that my sister might be going to stay with her dad until further notice. Well, let me rephrase: it bothers me she's gonna be living with a man my mama and I nor her know that well. I'm not a cussing him of anything, but I am very protective of my sister as much as she doesn't like it.

As much as we argue and fight I'm gonna miss her.

I hear crying almost on cue. Mama told me but they're both breaking the news to her.

Her dad lives towards the countryside and he's very traditional and stuff. Needless to say she'll be housebound.

It breaks me a little as I peel out my door and look out into the kitchen. Our house is a one story one so you pretty much get a good view of every room in the house from one place.

Jordyn is distraught and her father looks angry as hell. He yelled the roof off when he got here but now he's just fuming it's all in his facial expression.

When my mama was pregnant with me, my dad passed away, then she met him and married him instantly. They met through work. Then Jordyn came into the picture. Then sometime when I was 5 and Jordyn was about to turn 4 he cheated on mama.

I don't recall him being nice or mean to me growing up, as a matter of fact I don't really remember life when he was in it.

I'm not sure how to feel about the man my sister is about to go off with.


I lift my head up off the desk. We're finally being dismissed from school. I'm excited and happy to see Beyoncé.

My baby makes me so happy.

She's picking me up so I look for her light blue car. It's been fixed and Beyoncé has been driving cautiously.

"Hey mama." She smiles and helps out my bag in the backseat. "How was your day?"


"That's good, baby."

"How was your day?" I kiss her and close the door.

"Good. Missed you."

I buckle up and she begins driving.



I look to her with a giant smirk on my face. We're in our way to her house. It's healthier for me. Mama cries limitlessly at Jordyn going off to live with her dad and I love her but it makes me feel bad.

Bey knows and she's been here for me every step of the way, letting me know that it's okay to miss my sister but things just got out of hand and she's getting the help she needs.



"Nun." She says. "Wanna swing by and get sum to eat from some drive thru?"

I smile and nod.

"Go on, choose."

We arrive at a shopping center with plenty drive throughs. I try my best to decide and decide on In N Out. Her getting a vanilla milkshake and myself getting an Oreo one. We got burgers and fries too.

"You know you my favorite person on this earth right? That's on everything."

I smile hard.

"You my favorite person too. Got my ass nervous and shit."

"Aw, I make you nervous."

"Nope." I start hiding my face playfully behind my milkshake.

I eat as she drives. I don't want my shake to melt.

Beyoncé makes me feel like the best person in the world. She makes me feel like royalty.

She treats me like I'm a limited edition copy.

She loves me like someone straight out of a Shakespearean novel. She cares for me like one too.

It's times like these where I realize I'm so blessed to have a girlfriend like her.

I give her one last kiss before we walk into her house. Tina isn't here yet, so we go upstairs and eat together in her bed with a good movie. God I love this lady.


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