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tw: seizure and hospital setting

Beyoncé and I have been back in Houston for a week now. After all we went to New York for the weekend to get that all situated with Carter & Knowles.

Bey's been super excited and coming up with more designs to pitch to Shawn soon. I've enjoyed seeing her happy.

I sleep on her chest, being comforted by the soothing rhythm of her heart beat when I feel her shaking beneath me. Almost feels like an earthquake and I jolt up seeing Beyoncé seizing.

I immediately panic although I know I shouldn't.

I turn her over to her side so the foam coming out of her mouth won't cause her to choke.

"Bey." I call out as if she can respond right now. "Bey it's okay. It's gonna be okay. I'm calling an ambulance."

I hear a muffled yelp but she's still seizing on the bed, a vein popping out of her forehead and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

I quickly grab my phone and call 911 as I stay by her side. It's been a minute and she hasn't stopped seizing. It's exactly what I tell the operator and they let me know that they've sent help.

"Baby, it's gone be okay, stay with me."

I go downstairs and quickly unlock the door when I hear the sirens nearing.

My pulse is quickening as they take Beyoncé onto the stretcher, she's still seizing and I'm panicking.

"Ma'am, how long has she been unconscious? I don't know, 6 minutes--"

"Get in the back of the ambulance." The responder says quickly and that doesn't help my anxiety.

I want Bey to be okay, why is this happening?


Immediately after arriving to the hospital I am protective of Beyoncé, wanting to follow the stretcher they have her on. She stopped seizing before we arrived and is just laying there on her back looking straight up as if she were in a daze.

What's important is that her pulse is strong and she's breathing but she wasn't really responding when they took her to the back to immediately get her to get a scan done.

I don't know much about medical talk but all the big words they're using are scary.

I don't wanna live a life without Beyoncé by my side and I can't imagine it. After a while of just panicking, the same paramedic who asked me the question is nearby and I stop him.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Maam, look. I can't lie to you." He says, and I can tell he is gonna say something I don't wanna hear. "She's in the hospital, and she stopped seizing before we got here. It's just a waiting game with the scans."

"Waiting game?"

"We're talking she might have some kind of damages to her brain. Seizures shouldn't last longer than 5 minutes. 10 is pushing it. She seized for 7."

I just stand there as he says his condolences and leaves I'm guessing to go off and take another call. So is Beyoncé gonna die?

They call me into a room in the main hospital building and Beyoncé's laying in the bed in her clothes still.

"Baby." I quickly run to kiss her on the forehead.

She looks weaker than before. She is barely able to really turn her head.

"Megan." She says quietly.

"Bey." I move her blonde hair to the side. "You scared me baby."

"I know."

"Are you feeling okay?"

I note that they put an IV in her. For fluids so she can stay hydrated mainly.

"Just feel tired."

"It will be okay. I won't ever leave your side."

She gives me a defeated smile as I take a seat next to her and brush her hair with my fingers.

Hurts like hell to see her like this. If I could take it all away I could. Seeing her in a hospital bed is a nightmare I wanna get the hell out of.

Beyoncé stares up and looks very fearful. I offer her my hand and she plays with a ring that she got for me and everything. Not necessarily a promise ring or an engagement ring but she wanted to get me a meaningful piece of jewelry. I got her a necklace because that's what she chose.

She sniffles a bit.

The room is quiet.

"Beyoncé, if you're scared it's okay to be." I kiss the top of her head as a silent tear streams down her face.

I catch it and kiss her cheek right where it was.

"Shhh, baby, it's okay. We're gonna get to the bottom of this and it's gonna be okay. I'm right here."

She nods and opens her arms and I hug her a hug. I'd snuggle with her but she has so many wires and stuff on her that I can't.

"I love you, Megan."

"I love you, Bey."

Almost on cue, Miss Tina comes busting in with Chlöe from camp (Chlöe being Beyoncé's younger cousin).

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Chlöe grabs Bey's hands and has tears in her eyes.

Tina is overwhelming Bey with questions. Beyoncé doesn't respond to anything so Tina looks to me. With a small nod from Bey I tell them.

"They said they're gonna evaluate her and won't release her until they get some results in like two days. She'll be on medications most likely."

The two of them groan and Chlöe dramatically clutches her mouth.

"Alright. If you two want we can bring food and changes of clothes. Chlöe Kelly and I will make sure your house is cleaned."

"Thanks mama T." I respond.

"No problem, thank you for watching out for my baby."

Tina caresses Beyoncé's face and curls both of her lips in between her teeth. She looks very sad.

"Okay, Chlöe..." Tina sighs sadly. "Let's get them some food."

Tina quickly turns to leave and the moment she turns the corner I see her burst into sobs and Chlöe too.

Beyoncé just looks up at me.

"It's gone be okay, don't worry."


What do y'all think will happen next?

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