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Megan was sat outside on the roof of the cabin.

She sees a body splash into the water and shimmer in the moonlight.

A woman.

Her hair is down and sticks to her wet body as she comes up and wipes her face.

Megan isn't concerned about being seen or anything, but she keeps a close eye on the woman.

The woman turns her back and all it takes is Megan catching notice of her blonde curls to know it was Beyoncé. Even from a distance she was certain that it was Beyoncé.

Beyoncé Knowles.

Giselle she goes by because since she was younger, especially having been raised in Texas, many people acted way too good to be able to say it. But Megan has said a few times to try to draw Beyoncé's attention and she definitely has it.

Two days into this weird nerdy kid camp, Megan has caught this woman's attention.

Beyoncé swims around in the lake water and goes a bit further into the water.

Megan has stopped writing her verses long ago and just watched Beyoncé. Her phone light that she was using to make sure she could see her notebook is turned off. She just watches Beyoncé in admiration.

During orientation all Director Knowles did was boast about his daughter.

Beyoncé is evidently the apple of Matthew's eye.

Beyoncé is the epitome of what people want to be once they leave camp.

Talented and serious about her craft, yet not afraid to laugh a little and live a little.

Beyoncé coughs and laughs, maybe she accidentally inhaled some lake water.

Megan watches her completely entranced by the woman's beauty.

The way she moves and glows. Megan wants her more than anything in the world.

Let's dive in...

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