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Beyoncé - 7 years old

Solange - 4 years old


The two Knowles girls sit in the backseat. Solange sleeping in her car seat and Beyoncé reading a book.

Tina and Matthew laugh as they play "old people music" as Beyoncé calls it. Beyoncé has her CD player and headphones plugged in and listens to some more current rnb. TLC, and even some of what Disney has put out with Hannah Montana and stuff. She put some Erykah Badu towards the end as a refresher.

Beyoncé out of the corner of her eye sees Solange's head fall forward. The older girl moves her head back so she won't wake up sore or with a cramp. She is gentle and slowly pulls her hand back.

The car is full of life and after a few more minutes of reading, Beyoncé decided to take a break and stare out the window as they drive on the highway. They are driving back home from Louisiana to Houston Texas after a weekend with family. Thanksgiving. They saw all of their family members, cousins, aunties and uncles, Beyoncé especially was up in the kitchen watching her grandma cook.

It was a fun two weeks and Beyoncé cried because she didn't want to leave.

Tina herself shed a few tears.

"Can you turn that up please, T?"

Tina smiles, very in love and moves to turn the knob.

It happens in an instant. They collide with a Semi-truck who failed to use their turn signals.

They roll into a nearby ditch, Beyoncé's body jolting recklessly. The drivers side and entire left side of the car crushed.

Beyoncé squinted as some dust and also being hit in the head quite a bit finally sunk into her. She looked over to her little sister to see the 4 year old... dead. Her left side completely crushed in the cracks of the door. Even if Solange had survived, it wouldn't have been for long, they concluded after the autopsy. Many organs were punctured and she was too young and weak to recover.

Along with a broken neck.

Beyoncé couldn't scream.

Tina could. The woman panicked and screamed and tried to get her husband to wake after the airbag knocked him out.

"BB?" Tina dials the police with one hand and tries to look into the backseat, struggling as the car is sitting upright again, but missing a tire.

It's unstable.

Then she begins to let out a deafening scream as she sees her baby crushed in the backseat where the impact was worse.

Beyoncé can't even silently cry, she's in shock and seemingly numb and unaware.


Beyoncé winced hard as the hearing aid was placed on her ear. The left side absolutely much worse than the right.

First they put them on, and place the magnet over the 3 inch scar over the side of her head. One hearing aid for each side.

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