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Anastasia White

"Ahhhhhh!" I jumped up onto Mason's office chair, pointing at the ground as a tiny spider crawled by

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"Ahhhhhh!" I jumped up onto Mason's office chair, pointing at the ground as a tiny spider crawled by. My hands were shaky as fuck and my face was hot from embarrassment. "Will you just fucking kill it!"

Mason kept on laughing at me as I panicked because of this large ass spider on the ground. "Mason!!" I cried out as it started to climb up the chair leg.

He rolled his eyes and slipped off his shoe. Walking around the desk so he could kill the spider. I closed my eyes with the smack and then reopened them. "There." He mumbled. He stared at me a moment before shoving the shoe in my face. I screamed and fell backwards out of the chair.

I rubbed my head. "Shit I'm sorry." He panicked, leaning down to me. He stuck his hand out for me to grab, which I took.

"This is what I get for working on a Sunday with a dumb ass." I mumbled under my breath as I pushed past him.

"I'm not a dumb ass, Anastasia." I looked him up and down, studying his face than bursting out in laughter.


He groaned. "Seriously. We have been friends for two days and you're already insulting me."

I laughed again. "Don't worry about it. It's mostly just stuff I probably would have said in my head anyways." I couldn't stop the millions of little giggles that kept coming out.

He rolled his eyes as he walked back to his desk. He typed on the computer contently as my laughter died out. I walked to his desk, taking a seat on the dark wood as I watched what he was doing.

"So your app should be ready to hit the app stores by New Year's Eve. You have minor glitches in the app still but those should be fixed by the end of this month. Wesley said he fired one of your guys yesterday because he spilled coffee on his computer." I said as I still watched him type.

He nodded his head, turning his attention fully on me. "Okay sounds good. Oh— tell Wes that I'm extremely impressed." He chuckled with a slight smirk pulling on his lips.

I bit my bottom lip as we gazed at each other. "Okay, yeah I'll do that tomorrow." We didn't break eye contact. "So my little sister is going to this Fourth of July party later tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" I nibbled more on my lip nervously.

I think Cassandra only wants to go because she knows Callum will show up. Because some part down inside her wants to love him without hurting him but whatever way she chooses to love him will only end up hurting him. I just hope she realizes that sooner rather than later.

"Are you asking me on a date Ms. White?"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed by his answer. "I would never ask you on a date. I was asking because we are friends and I thought friends actually did things together."

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