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Mason Moretti

•----------• Mason Moretti•----------•

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[Seven years later]

I've treaded through most of this life with unsteady hands that ruined everything they walked by. But for whatever reason the universe thought I was fit enough for Anastasia. She quickly became my medicine to life, she opened a world full of people to me. Showed me what it was like to love someone so much that you had to part with them because the love was just too strong to hold them here.

I don't regret the love that I gave to Anastasia. I do, although regret that it took me so long to realize she held my heart inside her hands.

The great tragedy of what could have been haunts me every night but it's not nearly as earth shattering as what once was but can not happen again. I will not experience the same love, I will never experience the same love because no one has my heart except for Anastasia.

As I sit in the park waiting for Cassandra and her family to show, I twirl a pink carnation between my fingers. I let out a staggered breath before moving off the bench and down the hill to the playground where Cassandra's daughter always wants to play.

As I stood underneath the sun on this warm March first I heard my nieces giggle fill the air. I turned to see her, Cas and Callum walk across the grass towards me. My Willow Stasia.

"Uncle Mason!" Willow screams as she spots me a few feet away.

I crouch down to welcome her little body in my arms. "Hey, Will." I whisper into her ear.

"Don't call me that!" She whines. "I'm not a boy!" I only chuckle at her in response. She pulls away to look at me. "Can I call you a nickname?" She asks.

"Sure? Is it going to be butt head or something?" She shakes her head and thinks really hard.

"How about Masy?"

My knees buckle and I'm no longer crouched down but on my ass. My heart pumps too fast inside my chest as I feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Of course." I say with a smile.

She cups her tiny little hands around my face. "Why are you sad then?"

I shake my head softly. "Someone very, very important used to call me that. Someone I love with my whole heart."

"Auntie Anastasia?" I nod my head with more tears.

"Yes my love. My tesoro. My beautiful, beautiful Anastasia." I responded while wiping tears off of my cheeks.

I take in a breath and pat her on the head before walking over to Cassandra and Callum. Hey, who would've thought they worked out, right? About five years ago they started dating again, now she's engaged and supposed to be married later tonight. It's very last minute, I know but Willow insisted on spending the day with me.

"God, I swear she's adapting to your personality." Cassandra mumbled to me with a disgusted look.

"Woah! I am not a bad guy." I murmured out with a laugh.

Callum raised his eyebrows in my direction. "Sure. If that's what helps you sleep at night." He adds before walking off to his daughter.

I watch them for a moment too long. I wonder what it would be like if me and Anastasia had a child. I would love them both but I would always love my wife a tad bit more. My jaw flexes, making my teeth bare together.

Cas touches my arm. "Are you doing okay today?" She asked in a soft "I'm not" voice.

I only managed to laugh a little. "You don't need to worry about me, Cassandra. I've told you that the moment I started caring for you." Her face fell into a slight frown. "So, let me ask. How are you?"

She turned to look at her daughter before looking back at me. "Some days I think I'm doing better but then there's those other days where I feel like the world is ending." Her eyes filled with tears and a soft cry left her mouth before she leapt into my arms. She cried into my chest and I could only manage to hold her while she cried.

Callum taped my shoulder and told me to go with his daughter while he took care of Cassandra. I let her go into his arms and left towards Willow. She swung on a swig, her tiny legs moving below her as she tried to get the swing moving.

"Will, do you want me to push you?" I asked and her face lit up.

"Yes!" She shouted to me. I made my way to the swing and pulled her back, then let it go to provide movement. "Masy!!" She screamed as she went too high for her liking.

I caught the chain and slowed her down. She jumped off and hugged me tightly. I lifted her up and squeezed her gently. "Hey, how about we go visit Aunt Anastasia." I whispered into her ear.

"Okay!" She squirmed free of my grasp and took my hand. I told Cas and Callum that we were heading out before they thought I just kidnapped their kid.

Willow sang me songs all of the way to the cemetery. She wasn't very good but I made sure to tell her she was our next Ariana Grande. When we arrived I grabbed a few things out of the back before taking Willow's hand and guiding us to Anastasia's grave stone.

"Do you always bring those things?" She asked, pointing to the objects inside my hand. I nodded and placed them down next to Anastasia's grave stone. It was a box of Cocoa Puffs and a jug of cranberry juice.

"Did you know I was supposed to wear a dress to her funeral?" I whispered to Willow as we took a seat on the grass.

"Really! Did you? Did you?" She asked eagerly.

I shook my head. "I didn't." I know Anastasia would have my head if she ever found out I didn't fall through with her end of the deal. But I was too confused, too sad, too empty to let any memories take over my thoughts.

Me and Anastasia's story didn't have the greatest start, nor did it have the perfect ending but the middle ground was wondrous, loving, happy. We were just lucky enough to be able to taste the goodness of our waters.

This is me and Anastasia's story Between Love or Lust. A tale as old as time.


I love you all so, so very much

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I love you all so, so very much. I know your probably disappointed in me but... suck it up and go cry about it.

From yours forever x HerGodess

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