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Nayeon and Mina were driving to their company. Their company have merged because both their brother and sister got married. Mina's family own the largest engineering corporation while Nayeon's family own the largest architecture industry. Soon after merging, they named it, Im-Myoi builders incorporated.

"Okay, we'll meet you there." Mina just got off from the phone with Sana.

"She said that she saw a coffee shop nearby and she wants us to meet her there."

"Okay." Nayeon dryly answered.

"Is everything okay?" Mina asked worrying about her friend.

"My dad talked to me this morning, telling me about marriage"

"And?" Mina asked without losing her focus in driving.

"He told me that if I didn't or, wasn't able to find someone worthy, he will be force to wed me to someone with good reputation." Nayeon continued.

"Well, that is harsh" Mina commented.

"I know. and now I don't know what to do." Nayeon whines.

"Jeongyeon is...."

"Mina!" Nayeon cut her off. "Jeong is out of the choices!" She countered.

"But she likes you" Mina said.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "I can never be with her!"

"But you are friends with her." Mina defended.

"Oh, there is Sana!" Nayeon changed the subject. Mina just shook her head.

They went out of the car and headed to the cafe.

Nayeon went in first then Mina then Sana. Nayeon was talking to the both of them and wasn't looking to where she was going then a crashing sound was heard.

"Oh my God!!! Look what you did to my shirt!" Nayeon shouted.

"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Ma'am I wasn't looking! And, I.." Momo nervously said.

"Yes! You weren't looking now you'll have to pay for this! Do you know how much this is?" Nayeon shouted.

"I'm so sorry, Let me wipe it off please!" Momo plead.

"No! You will just ruin it!" Nayeon countered.

Momo bowed multiple times.

"You can't even pay for this, this shirt cost 10 times your salary!"

"Hey! She said she was sorry!" A voice came from behind showing a tall girl. The girl walked towards Momo.


"Tzuyu, I didn't mean to..." Momo tried to explain.

"Oh well, so you are her knight and shinning armor?" Nayeon sarcastically said.

"So what if I am?" Tzuyu looked at Nayeon with a death glare.

"She'll have to pay for this!" pointing at her shirt.

"Nayeon, people are staring!" Mina tried to stop her friend.

"I don't care!" Nayeon shouted.

"What's going on here?" Dahyun came in.

Nayeon saw Dahyun and was stunned. "Well, she-she spilled the coffee at me!"

"Mo, did you apologize?" Dahyun looked at Momo she nodded.

Dahyun looked at Nayeon. "She has apologized, so what is the need to shout at her?"

"We are sorry, she was just having a bad day" Sana tried to explain.

"Having a bad day or not, that does not give her the license to shout at my friend here!" 

Chaeyoung came in too. And Mina got her attention.

"but she still has to pay for this!" Nayeon still insist,

"How much is it?" Dahyun asked.

Nayeon raised a brow. "This shirt cost 10 times your salary!"

"Then the four of us will split. And if you can afford to buy a shirt that expensive then I guess there wouldn't be a problem buying another one, I bet you still have another one like that so what's the big deal!?" Dahyun retorted.

Nayeon was struck with what Dahyun said. Mina is still looking at Chaeyoung. Sana was also impressed by how Dahyun stood up for her friend.

Nayeon decided to take defeat. "Do you guys at least have a spare shirt?"

"Follow me" Dahyun offered.

When Nayeon and Dahyun left Sana apologized.

"I'm so sorry how my friend reacted. She can be a narc sometimes."

"Well, you have to talk to your friend, she just can't insult someone like that" Chaeyoung said,

"We know, and we're sorry" Mina said and smiled at Chaeyoung.

"I'm Mina by the way." She extended her hand to Chaeyoung.

"I'm Chaeyoung, this is Tzuyu and Momo."

"Hi, this is Sana, and our friend is Nayeon." Mina said,

"I see, the one who came with her is Dahyun" Tzuyu said.

"S-so, what can get for you.?" Momo hesitantly asked.

Sana smiled. "Give us your best sellers. We don't have any favorite in particular anyway."


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