3. The Shakedown

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Dressed in an old pair of jeans and a baggy black hoodie, Libby followed Mike into the garage at Silverstone the following day. She looked around hoping to spot Seb, but it looked like Lance was going to be taking the car out first.

She shivered as a cold gust of wind shot through from out in the pitlane. "Did you not bring a coat?" Mike asked her. She shook her head.

"I'll be ok. This hoodie is nice and warm."

"You won't be saying that when you're sat out on the pitwall," he said.

She followed him out of the garage and across the pitlane. She stuck her head out through the metal grids and looked down towards the first corner, Abbey.

The wind blew her hair over her face. She began to wish she'd tied it up but she'd been thinking about looking her best for when she saw Seb.

Now she realised that by the time she saw him she'd probably look like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

She took a step back and turned to talk to Mike. Suddenly she felt something being shoved onto her head. She reached up and felt a beanie on her head with a large bobble on it. She turned around and saw Seb grinning at her.

"That will keep your hair in place," he laughed.

"And what will keep your hair in place?" she hit back as another gust of wind blew his unruly curls all over the place.

Grinning, he shoved his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a grey beanie, which he pulled onto his head.

"Sorted," he declared. "So, this your first time at Silverstone?"

"Yeah, Mike asked if I wanted to tag along and I had nothing better to do, so here I am."

"Wanna go grab a coffee? Or tea? Whatever it is you drink. Lance won't be going out for another half an hour or so."

"Sure, I'll just let Mike know."

After she'd told Mike where she was going she followed Seb back through the garage and out the back to where a small refreshments truck was set up.

"Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?" Seb asked her.

"Coffee, white with one sugar please." Seb ordered her coffee along with a tea for himself. Once they had them they sat down at a white plastic table. "It's normally more upmarket that's this," Seb joked.

"Oh this is fine, I'm only a commoner," she bantered back.

Seb grinned at her. He's been so pleased when he'd seen her exit the garage and cross the pitlane with Mike. He'd thought he may have to wait until testing. Or maybe even the first race to see her again.

"So have you actually moved into your new place yet? I mean I know you haven't officially started work yet."

"Yeah, I'm living out of boxes at the moment though. And I'm waiting for a lot of my stuff to arrive back from Munich."

"Do you speak German? I presume you do having lived out there."

"I do but not as good as you speak English. I know enough to get by."

Seb took a sip from his cup of tea. He thought to himself that Libby looked even more gorgeous today in jeans and a hoodie than she had in her dress and heels the previous day. And she looked just adorable wearing his team beanie.

"So, Libby Valentine. Tell me about yourself."

"What would you like to know?"

"Libby? Is that short for something?"

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