13. The Cat's Curse

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A/N: so maybe naming all the chapters "The ___" wasn't such a great idea. Really struggling to think of names haha. This one is awful. So tempted to scrap the idea and go back to my normal way....

Libby looked out of the motorhome window.  The early morning clouds had dispersed and it was now looking like it was going to be a sunny day.

It was a definite contrast to how it had been in Australia.  Thursday and Friday had been ok there, but the rain had come for qualifying and for the race.  The team hadn't minded though as they'd finally got their first points of the season on the board.  Seb had excelled in the wet and had come from thirteenth on the grid to finish sixth.  

To Libby's disappointment she and Seb hadn't met up for sex since that first night in Australia.   It was understandable. He had to concentrate on his driving and then he'd flown home straight after his media duties and debrief had finished on the Sunday.  

He hadn't been over to the factory in between races either so she'd been hoping that she'd get a visit from him here in Imola. 

However it was now Thursday lunchtime and she hadn't seen him or heard from him.   She refused point blank to text him.  He knew where she was if he wanted her. 

She frowned.  He'd probably changed his mind.  He hadn't even texted or called her since Melbourne.  Had she wasted her time visiting the clinic to get the contraceptive implant fitted? Not to mention the sexual health tests she'd undergone. 

She went up to the counter and asked for a cup of tea.  She thanked the girl behind the counter, picked the tea up and headed towards a free table by the window. 

"Afternoon Libby!"  She looked up and saw Joel grinning down at her.  She smiled back. He slid onto the chair opposite her.  "How are you?"

"I'm great thanks Joel, yourself?"

"Can't complain.  You coming out Sunday?  There's a group of us going to a nightclub in Bologna."  Libby hesitated.  She didn't know if Seb had plans to pay her a visit, hell she didn't even know if he was interested any more. Fuck him.  She had a life, it didn't revolve around him.

"You know what Joel, I'd love to.  Could do with getting shitfaced."

"Brilliant.  I'll let you know the details.  I've got to go, just thought I'd ask while I had the chance."

He stood and headed towards the door. 

She took a sip from her tea.  Where was Seb anyway? He'd usually have arrived by now for his seat fit and track walk.  Perhaps he'd gone straight to the garage. 

Her phone beeped.  She picked it up from where she had placed it on the table. Speak of the devil. 

Seb: Hey beautiful 💋

She rolled her eyes.  She put her phone back down without replying.  It beeped again.

Seb:  sorry I haven't called or texted.  I've not been very well.  Then I ended up going to my parents for a few days and Dad kept me pretty busy.  💋

And he didn't have a spare minute to text hi? She put her phone down again. Beep.

Seb:  stop ignoring me.  I know you're on your break. I can see you sat by the window 💋

Libby looked around the room quickly.  He wasn't there.  She glanced outside and immediately spotted Seb staring at her from several metres away.  He looked bloody beautiful.   He still hadn't had his hair cut and he hadn't shaved either.   He looked all rugged and manly and she was instantly turned on.  He was stood with Antti and a short l, older man who was wearing a team cap. As she watched him he tapped away again on his phone. Beep. 

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