55. ...and a Happy New Year

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New Years Eve 2023, Heppenheim, Germany

Seb took a sip of his beer as he watched Libby across the room.  She was laughing at something his brother, Fabian, had said.  He ran his tongue over his lips as he thought about what he was going to do to her when he got her alone after all the guests had departed.  She had never looked sexier than what she did tonight, not wearing clothes anyway. 

She'd bought the dress she was wearing when they'd been out Christmas shopping in Portsmouth.   It was a dusty blue sequin wrap dress, held up by spaghetti straps.   It was short and her legs looked amazing in it.   He was determined those legs would be around him later. 

On his insistence she'd left her hair hanging loose

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On his insistence she'd left her hair hanging loose.  Instead of her usual waves she'd used her straightners on it and it hung as straight as a poker.   He really couldn't believe she was his girlfriend.   How had he got so lucky?  

Last New Year he'd been heartbroken, the year before that he hadn't even known she existed.  His life had been cold and empty. It just went to show you could never be sure of what the future held.  

He frowned as he saw his cousin, Markus, approach Libby and put his arm around her.    He was about to stand up and head on over when he saw her lean close and say something in Markus's ear. Whatever she said had the desired effect. Markus removed his arm and walked away.    Seb took another sip of his beer. 

"She is one hell of woman son," he heard his father say from the chair next to him.

"She certainly is," he agreed.

They'd arrived at his parents the day before and he'd been over the moon to see how well she'd got on with them, and also with his siblings.

Tonight his parents were hosting a New Year party for their family and friends, and they all seemed to adore Libby too.

As much as he loved his family, Seb couldn't wait to go home.   Once they arrived back in Switzerland they were going to arrange for Libby's possessions to be shipped over from the storage unit they'd been in for the last year, and then begin the process of applying for Libby's residency.   He was so excited for their future together.  

Libby took a sip from her glass of wine as Seb's brother began talking about a club he frequented in Munich.  Libby had been there a few times when she'd lived in the city and it turned out they had a few mutual acquaintances. 

She could feel Seb's eyes on her.  If it had been any other man continuously staring at her it would have felt creepy.  With Seb it was erotic.  

She'd seen the possessive look on his face earlier when his cousin had put his arm around her, and it had her hungry for him.   

She still had to keep pinching herself to believe all this was real, that Sebastian Vettel was her boyfriend.  He was so sexy, dressed in black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt.   She couldn't wait to get him alone later.

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