18. The Consequences of Flaunting

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"You know we have to get up soon right?" Libby told Seb as they lay naked in each other's arms on Thursday morning.  Seb grunted.  He didn't want to get up.   He knew once Libby left his room they would have to behave professionally until Sunday evening, which meant no sex, no kisses and cuddles, and no alone time until after the race was over.   "Seb, come on, Antti will be cross if you're late for training." Seb grunted again.  Why did he have to go to the gym? Couldn't the hot sex he'd had that morning count towards his training schedule?  He tightened his hold on Libby. 

"What if I refuse to let you go?" he asked sulkily. 

"Then I will be late and I'll lose my job and you won't get after race sex again, not with me anyway.   I have to go Seb.  I need a shower and to change into my uniform." 

"They won't fire you.  I won't let them."

"Seb, come on.  Please.  I don't want to get up either, but I have to."

Seb reluctantly relinquished his hold on her.  She climbed out of bed and began to hunt around for her clothes.  Seb had quickly stripped them off of her the minute she'd arrived in his room the previous night.  He rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his hand, his eyes glued to Libby's naked body as she located each item.  

"I wish we could stay here forever... well at least 24 hours," he said, pouting like a small child that couldn't get his way.  "We never seem to have enough time."

"That's what friends with benefits is lover boy.  Sex whenever is convenient."  Libby grinned at him as she slipped her knickers back on.  "Don't worry, Sunday will soon come around."

"Yeah, and I have to watch as Joel flirts with you and eyes up what belongs to me."

"I told you, I belong to no one."  Seb laughed. He knew she'd say that. "Besides, I have to watch nearly every woman drooling over you when you're swanning around in your tighty whitey.   You do know you can see your nipples through that?"  Seb laughed again.   So she liked his tighty whitey? Maybe he should make a point of swanning around in it more. 

Libby donned the rest of her clothes.  She walked back over to the bed and dropped a quick kiss on Seb's lips.  "I'm off.  I'll see you at the circuit.  Don't be late!"

Then she opened the door and disappeared into the corridor, closing the door behind her.  Seb rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, a big smile on his face.  Race weekends were certainly more interesting since Libby had started working there, even if he did spend half the time sexually frustrated.   For the first time in a long time, since Carmen, he was really enjoying life again.   The car was improving, his sex life was amazing, life was just....fantastic.


                                                                  Libby groaned inwardly as Seb walked by once again with his racesuit hanging low on his hips, that tight, white fireproof clinging to his torso.   Was she imagining things or was he walking past her far more often than he usually did?   He wouldn't be doing it on purpose would he? She instantly knew that he was. The incorrigible tease!

She sat down at a table with a cheese salad roll and began to eat it, probably a little too fast. A bit of it got stuck in her throat and she began to choke. She grabbed hold of her bottle of water and took a long sip, washing the food down.

She watched Seb out the corner of her eye. He looked so good. He always did, but there was something about him today. His hair looked so golden! The Spanish sun seemed to be bringing out the blonde in it. He still hadn't had it cut, Libby wondered if she should
buy him a pack of hairbands so he could tie it up. She laughed quietly to herself.

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