25. His Birthday Wish

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Libby saw her phone screen light up on the table in front of her. She snatched it up before anyone could see Seb's name light up. Opening the message she couldn't help smiling.

Seb: Ready when you are. My crew are officially out of it. I'll meet you by your car babe. 💋

Libby picked her bag up from the table and slid her phone inside it. She looked around for Amber but didn't see her anywhere. The last time she'd seen her, Amber had been extremely drunk and dancing away to Abba with Andy from Lance's crew. Joel had eventually got the hint that she wasn't interested and had moved on to Jessica from HR. They were currently making out at the adjoining table.

The only people left at their table were Georgia, Jamie and Ashley, who  were all  half asleep. She stood up and quickly made her way towards the exit.

Once outside she dashed across the car park to her BMW. Seb was leaning against it, looking sexy as hell. He stood up straight as he saw Libby approaching.

"Hey," he greeted her, his German accent stronger than usual.

"You drunk birthday boy?" she asked him. She hadn't had much herself so still felt relatively sober.

"Only a little. Don't worry, I'll still be able to get it up," he said, smacking playfully on her bum.

Libby unlocked her car and opened the back door, reached in and took a black backpack off of the seat.

She shut the door and locked the car. Seb took her bag off of her and put it on his back. Then he picked her hand up.

"Come on, this way." He led her around the building into the area where the trucks usually parked for loading. They were all still over at the circuit at the moment so it was almost empty. She spotted a large black and silver motorhome parked on the far side.

As they reached it Seb pulled a bunch of keys out of his pocket and began to look through them. After several discarded keys he held one up.

"Aha!" he exclaimed. He slid it effortlessly into the lock and turned it. Pushing the door open and reaching in to switch a light on, he gestured for Libby to enter first.

Libby gasped as she entered the motorhome. It was far more luxurious than most of the hotel rooms she'd stayed in. It was furnished with plush black sofas, a black and chrome coffee table, a large plasma screen television on one wall and a fully fitted kitchen at the far end.

Libby heard the door close and felt Seb's arms slide around her from behind. He began nuzzling her neck affectionately.

"Wow, this is amazing! I don't know what I was expecting  but it certainly wasn't this."

"It's one of my luxuries. I like to be comfortable,  but hotels... most are soulless." Libby felt her skin erupt into goosebumps as he began to nibble on her ear.

"How long have you had it?"

"About four years," he mumbled in reply, his hands moving up to cup her breasts.

"How many bedrooms are there?"

"Libby, shut the fuck up. I'm trying to seduce you here." Libby giggled and wriggled around in his arms.  She pressed her lips to his, moaning as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.   There was no gentleness in this kiss.  Seb was horny as hell. 

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