5. The Call

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Seb collapsed onto his bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. He was knackered. The heat was unbearable, even for Bahrain. He'd just got back from the track after going on an evening track walk with his engineer, Chris, and other members of his crew.

He'd started the day with an hour in the gym with Antti, followed by a few games of Padel with Mick Schumacher, Esteban Ocon and Lance. He'd been on the go all day.  All he wanted now was a shower and bed .  He didn't even want any dinner. 

Thinking of dinner made him think of Libby.  It was only now in the quiet of his room that he found himself being bombarded by thoughts of her. He'd spotted her outside hospitality when he'd come out of the back of the garage. She'd been deep in conversation with Joel from social media. Whatever they'd been talking about seemed to have got her very animated.  He loved the way she talked with her hands, and the way her emotions were written all over her face.  He'd passed by with Antti, he was pretty sure she hadn't even spotted him.

Now he'd had time to think about it,  he wondered if Joel had his eye on Libby. He'd known him for over a year now and it was common knowledge that Joel was a bit of a ladies' man. Not that Seb was jealous. No way. He knew Libby wanted him. He'd seen it in her eyes.

He rolled onto his side and took his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the screen, arguing with himself over whether he should call Libby or not. He'd wanted to take her out for dinner tonight but his track walk and subsequent meeting had taken longer than he'd thought. He didn't want her to think he'd changed his mind.

Before he could stop himself he unlocked his phone and brought Libby's number up on the screen.   He hit dial. He rolled back onto his back as he listened to the rings.

He was just about to give up when she answered, sounding a little breathless.

"Hello?" she said, sounding confused. He'd forgotten she didn't have his number. She'd have no idea it was him. Maybe he could have a little fun.

He put on his best Italian accent. He'd gotten pretty good at it after his years driving for Ferrari.

"Hello, Miss Valentine. This is Alberto Fettucini, I'm calling on behalf of Scuderia Ferrari. I understand that you entered a competition to meet Charles Leclerc, you are one of his biggest fans, yes?"

"Errr, I don't remember entering any competition," she replied, sounding bemused. Seb would bet that she didn't remember being a fan of Charles either.

"I am delighted to tell you that you are our winner. You will be meeting Charles tomorrow evening at his hotel.  The dress code is smart/casual."

"Hang on, I didn't enter a competition. How did you get my number?" She had started to sound suspicious. Seb had to stop himself from laughing.

"You are Elizabeth Valentine yes?"

"Well, yes,  but I didn't enter any competition. I work for Aston Martin so I wouldn't enter a rival's competition."

"But what do I tell Charles? He's a very sensitive little bunny. He will get so upset if I tell him you don't want to meet him."

"Hang on, this is a fucking wind up isn't it? Seb is that you!" He burst out laughing.

"You totally fell for that!"

"You prick!" she exclaimed,  before laughing along with him.

"Hey Libs. How was your day?"

"It was good until you called!"

"You love me really."


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