6. The Office

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Libby sat at her desk the following evening. She was bored. She'd done everything Mike had asked of her but there was still another half an hour until she would finish for the day.

There was no actual set hours with her job, but the first of the shuttle buses transporting staff back to the hotel wouldn't be leaving until then so she was stuck here.

She glanced up as she heard a knock on her office door. 

"Come in," she called out.  The door opened and she saw Joel from Social Media peering around.  

"Alright Libby? You finished for the day?"

"Yeah, just waiting for the shuttle bus."

"Me too, wanna grab a coffee?"

"Sure."  She stood up, grabbed her shoulder bag and followed the tall, blonde man out of the office and down the corridor to the dining area. 

Once they'd got their drinks they found an empty table and sat down. Joel gave Libby a big, flirty smile. She knew he fancied her. He'd made that painfully obvious on the night out they'd had with Amber a few weeks back. He was a great looking bloke, but not her type. He was far too tall for a start. As she was only 5 ft 3 she preferred her men under 6ft. And she was a sucker for blue eyes. Joel's eyes were green. She found herself thinking of the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she had ever seen.

"So are you up for it?" She realised she'd zoned out and had totally missed what Joel had said.

"Sorry, I was in a world of my own for a minute then. Up for what?" Joel laughed.

"Another karaoke night with me and Amber, a few of the others said something about coming along too."


"It's on the Wednesday after we get back from Saudi."

"I'll let you know, I might be visiting my mum." She wasn't really, she just didn't want to go. Joel was nice enough but she didn't want to give him the wrong idea. It could get very awkward if he tried anything and she had to reject him.

"How about dinner one night?" It seemed things were getting awkward already.

"Joel," she began.

"There you are!" Amber slipped onto the spare chair next to Joel. Libby breathed a sigh of relief. Saved for now.

"Hey Amber. You done for the day too?"

"Yep, and I can't wait to get back to the hotel and just collapse. What a day!"

"Yeah I'm pretty beat too," Libby said. She turned her head as the door opened. Her heart started to race as she saw Seb enter the building with his trainer, Antti. He looked directly over at her. Damn, why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous?

They hadn't spoke in person since their phone call two nights ago, maybe he'd lost interest.   She'd probably just been a bit of fun because he'd been feeling horny.  

"So Libby, dinner tomorrow night?" Joel asked her.  She didn't know what to say.  He'd put her on the spot by asking her  in front of Amber. 


"She can't, she's having dinner with me," Seb said, suddenly materialising behind her. 

"I am?" she asked, bewildered. 

"Yeah, don't you remember what we discussed Thursday on the phone?"  Libby blushed.   She was pretty sure they hadn't arranged dinner.   Dinner had been totally forgotten when the pair of them
had gotten down and dirty with each other.

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