35. Breaking News

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to SdeSenna She created the graphic for me that appears in this chapter. I was stressing because I couldn't get it right, so she offered. Thank you so much Fer. Love ya ❤️

Libby was tired.   She hadn't been able to sleep for longer than a few hours at a time since the news had dropped about Scott McDevitt.   She was a mess, and all because she was petrified of seeing her father.   She knew she was being stupid, the man didn't care enough to recognise her, but she couldn't help it.  Seb had tried his best to cheer her up but her mind just couldn't be taken off of the situation. 

She took a sip of her coffee while she waited for the clock to tick over to 9 o'clock.  Normally she'd start her shift early but she just had no enthusiasm lately.  

"Hey," she heard a voice say.  Smiling weakly,  she looked up at Seb.  "You ok? You look tired."

"Gee thanks, just what a girl loved to hear."

Seb frowned.  Libby sounded really down.  He wished he had time to sit with her for a bit but he had somewhere he needed to be.  

"Look Libs, I've got to go. I'll catch up with you in a bit."

"Are you ok? You look stressed."  Seb laughed nervously.  

"Yeah, well....there's going to be an announcement shortly..."

"About you?" He nodded.  Libby sighed.  Seb quickly sat down next to her.   He knew it wouldn't hurt to tell her now. It was going public in around an hour anyway.  

"Libs, I want to tell you myself. I don't want you finding out when everyone else does."   He leant in and whispered in her ear.   Libby's mouth dropped open in shock.  She looked at him incredulously. 

"Oh my God. Are you being serious?"  Seb have a small laugh. 

"Deadly.  So do you understand now?"  She nodded. 

"I won't let this come between us Libs, I promise.  I have to go, I need to put pen to paper."  He gently squeezed her thigh underneath the table.   Then he stood up and headed out of the door. 

Libby sat there, her mind well and truly off of her secret brother.  She grinned to herself.   She was so happy for Seb.   He deserved this.  

The clock ticked over to the hour.  She sighed and stood up and headed to her office, ready to start another day. 


"No fucking way!!!" Joel exclaimed an hour later as he checked his Twitter after hearing his notification tone. 

"What is it?" asked Amber.  He showed her the screen.  

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed. 

Inside his office Lawrence Stroll cursed as he saw the headlines.  "Those sneaky bastards!"

In her office Libby smiled proudly as she looked at the headlines dominating her newsfeed. 


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