59. The End of the Beginning

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A/N:  So we're nearing the end.  This is the penultimate chapter.  There's only the epilogue to go.   Hope you enjoy it.

Abu Dhabi, December 2024

"Jesus Christ, you had the baby already Libby!" exclaimed Daniel Ricciardo, stopping as he passed Red Bull hospitality. "I didn't realise you were due yet!"

"You didn't? Yeah, I got my body back really quickly!"

"Oh wow," the Australian said. "What did you have? I can't believe it. I only saw you three weeks ago in Vegas! Seb hasn't said a word!"

"Oh for God's sake Daniel, " came a voice behind him. "I see you've met my sister Emmie." Daniel whirled around and saw a still pregnant Libby looking at him. He looked back at Emmie.

"You are a twin? How have I never learnt this before?" Emmie burst out laughing.

"How gullible are you? She's only 25 weeks. You really think she'd be here if she'd had a premature baby?"

"I didn't know she was a twin!"

"Don't pay her any attention Daniel. She likes to wind people up. This is my Mum, Penny," she said, introducing him to the woman stood just behind her. "Mum, this is Daniel Ricciardo. He drives for Alpine. He was Seb's team mate briefly years ago."

Penny held her hand out and shook Daniel's. "Pleased to meet you Mrs Valentine," he said.

"She's Doctor Valentine," Emmie corrected him.

"I apologise Doctor Valentine," he said smoothly.

"No worries. It's lovely to meet you."

"Take care. I hope you enjoy your weekend here. See you around Emily."

"It's Emmie!" Emmie replied crossly, but Daniel had already gone. "What an ass!" Libby laughed.

"Daniel's a great guy. Don't judge him on first impressions." Emmie stuck her tongue out at her sister.

"Where's Seb anyway?"

"Oh he's probably in his room getting ready for FP1."

"I'm hungry. Think we can get something to eat?"

"Of course. We'll go into hospitality. Mum, you hungry?"

"Not really but I'd love a coffee."

The three women headed inside the Red Bull hospitality building. They found a seat and Libby went up to the counter.

"Hi Megan, how are you?"

"Hey Libby. I'm good thanks. How are you? How's mini Vettel?"

"I'm great. Baby's great. Can't complain. Can I grab a white coffee, an orange juice and a still water with ice please."

"Of course. You sit down. I'll bring it over. Any food?"

"Two of Liam's famous bacon butties please. Both with ketchup."

"Coming right up."

Libby headed back to the table and sat down. She waved to Britta as she saw her passing through.

"I can't believe you got Mum to a race!" Emmie exclaimed. "I thought Hell would freeze over first!" Penny cleared her throat.

"Emmeline, I'm sat right here. It's Seb's last race and I thought it would be nice to come and support him. It's a great opportunity to meet his family too. Speaking of Seb's family, when will they be here?"

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