52. Back In His Arms

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Libby sighed as Seb's lips touched hers.  In that one instant she felt complete again.   After over a year without his touch this one small gesture had her on fire. She groaned as Seb pulled back before the kiss went any further. 

"Forgive me.  I'm such a selfish prick.  You were unconcious.  I need to get you to a doctor!"   She could see concern written all over his face.   She grabbed hold of his arm, shaking her head. 

"No, I'm fine Seb, honestly, it was just the cold and hunger. I had no energy, and it was such a struggle walking in the snow.   It's been a long couple of days."

"Have you not eaten today baby?"  She gave a small laugh.

"Try the the last 48 hours, well more than that now. I had three custard creams last night, but otherwise..."

"Libby!" Seb said sternly. "Why on Earth not?"

"Well I left the US Friday morning in the early hours, it would have been about 7am UK time. I had a bowl of cereal before I left. I didn't eat on the flight as I just wasn't hungry. Then when I got to Mum's about 6pm I had a bit of a disagreement with Mum and Emmie so I went straight to bed."

"A disagreement? As soon as you got there?" he said incredulously.

"Yeah," Libby said, laughing weakly. "It was about you. I still didn't know how you felt and they kept talking about you.  I got pissed off so I went up to bed.  Must have been knackered as I slept for nearly twelve hours."

"So why didn't you eat yesterday?" he asked.

"Well," she began.  "When I woke up I thought about how Emmie had said you'd been visiting and had spent a lot of time in the treehouse and I got the urge to go up there. So I got dressed and went out to the garden.   I climbed the tree and well, you know what I saw.  It hit me for six Seb.  I hadn't the slightest clue that you felt the same way about me."   Seb gently stroked her cheek with his thumb.  "Anyway, after a complete emotional breakdown I went back to the house. Mum and Emmie were in the kitchen. I asked them if they knew that you loved me.  They admitted that they did.  I kinda lost it.  I'm so mad at them Seb.   I just grabbed my backpack, jumped in my car and drove off.   Then I crashed into a delivery van."

"What?" Seb said, shocked.  "You crashed? Jesus Libby! Were you hurt?"

"No, it was just a tiny bump, the car wasn't even scratched.  Anyway, I realised I was in no fit state to drive, so I abandoned the car and jumped on a bus to the train station.  I had no idea where I was heading.  I ended up on a train to Gatwick Airport.  At some point on the journey I realised that I had to come to see you.  I booked onto a flight for this morning, stayed in a Travelodge last night.   Then I didn't have time to eat."

"You've had quite a few days haven't you?"

Libby nodded. "I have, but now I'm right where I'm meant to be."   Her hand flew to her nose as she sneezed loudly. 

"Jesus, what am I thinking?" Seb said.  "You need to get into some warm, dry clothes."

"Yeah, if only I'd brought some with me."

"I'll get you a pair of my joggers. I have some drawstring ones that should do.  And a T-shirt too of course."

"Don't suppose I can steal a pair of your boxers too?"

"Of course," Seb agreed, although he was secretly thinking that if he had his way they wouldn't stay on her for long. 

Being around her again was intoxicating.   He wanted her badly.  The time apart hadn't lessened the crazy attraction he had to her.  If anything he wanted her more than ever.  They had over  a year to make up for after all.   He knew though that getting her into dry clothes and getting food in her belly were the priorities. He didn't want her passing out again. 

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