28. A Summer To Remember (1)

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Libby could feel the rough bark of the tree scratching her back. It stung like fuck but she didn't care.   She was too far gone to stop now.   She buried her face in the side of Seb's neck, muffling her moans as she reached her climax.  

Seb grinned as he felt her gushing over his cock.  She'd cum quickly tonight,  and he was adamant she'd be cumming again before he'd filled her up. 

He dug his fingers into her buttocks harder as he upped the tempo.  "Jesus Christ Seb," she muttered, adjusting her legs around his waist so she had a better grip. 

"You started this," he reminded her as he continued fucking her. 

"So I did," she chuckled. 

The evening had started off all innocent, but things between Seb and Libby never remained innocent for long.  

They'd had a walk downtown and had dinner in a old fashioned pub. There had been a back room for dining in and Libby had assured him that Mondays never got busy there so they shouldn't be bothered by fans. 

She'd been right, they'd had the place to themselves.   They'd had a few drinks after dinner, a chat with the landlord who'd been a big Schumacher fan back in the day,  and then they'd started a slow stroll back to Libby's house, and that's when the innocent evening had taken a turn. 

As they'd passed the park Libby had grabbed him by the hand and dragged him inside.  He laughed and let her, he'd had no idea what she was planning. 

She'd led him across the the large green space to the wooded area at the back.   Before he knew it his back had been against a tree, his shorts and boxers around his ankles and Libby's mouth around his cock.   He'd been surprised, but he wasn't complaining.  Now here they were twenty minutes later, Libby was the one with her back against the tree while he gave her the drilling of a lifetime.   God, he'd created a monster when he'd introduced her to alfresco sex. 

This was risky as fuck, it had only just got dark and they were in the town park. Anyone could come along and disturb them.   At that precise moment though he didn't care about anything other than burying himself to the hilt inside this woman.   "Cum for me again mon Engel," he whispered into Libby's ear.  

Libby bit down on her bottom lip as her second orgasm began to build up.  She felt Seb's mouth on her neck, sucking the tender skin there.  He was marking her.  She didn't care. 

She felt electric like ripples moving through her.   Here we go again, she thought, burying her face in Seb's neck again.   This time Seb came with her.  His body jerked violently as he spilt his seed inside her.   He managed to hold back his groan as he shuddered and jerked.  

Finally he was spent.   He slowly eased Libby off of his cock and lowered her to the ground.  Finding her legs felt like jelly, Libby clung on to Seb's body.  

Seb wrapped his arms around her and held her upright.  They stood still for a few minutes.  

"We should go," Seb whispered. Libby kissed his cheek, before pulling out of his arms.  She crouched down and began feeling around the grass in the dark for her knickers.  Seb chuckled and took his phone out of his shirt pocket.  He turned his torch on and shone it onto the ground to help Libby find the runaway knickers. 

Quickly locating them she slipped them
back on.  "Are you standing there like that all night?" she asked Seb, who still had his shorts and boxers around his ankles. 

He grinned to himself as he pulled them back up.   What a bloody woman!  He was so lucky. 

It was then they heard the voices of several people nearing them across the park.

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