21. The Night Out

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Libby looked at herself in the bathroom mirror.  She wasn't vain but she knew she looked hot.  She pouted at her reflection, before laughing at herself.  She applied some pale pink lip gloss and  headed back to her bedroom.

Four weeks had passed since Monaco.  Four weeks of avoiding Seb, and ignoring him when she hadn't been able to avoid him.   Not that he'd actually made any effort to talk to her other than a few poxy texts saying he was sorry and asking what he could do to make it up to her. 

Needless to say she hadn't replied.  It was up to him to work out how he made
it up to her and it was beginning to look like he wasn't going to even try.  She wasn't going to back down on this. She was stubborn. She always had been. No, if Seb wanted her he had to prove it.

Baku and Montreal had been and gone. The team had done well in Baku, with a fifth place for Seb and an eighth place for Lance.  Montreal had been less fruitful.  Lance had finished in tenth and Seb in twelfth after a late puncture had forced him to pit from seventh. 

Next up was their home race, Silverstone.  She was looking forward to that one.  She could go home every night to her own bed instead of staying in a hotel.  Hotel rooms were bland and soulless.

Tonight she was going out with Joel and Amber again.  She'd had a lot of fun the last time three weeks earlier so had accepted straight away when Joel had asked her.

She readjusted her boobs in her low cut little black dress, double checked her hair which she'd put up in a messy bun and finally she sprayed some perfume on. She was ready. It was time to hit the town.

She picked up her small black glittery handbag, made sure her phone and purse were in it and made her way down the stairs. She opened the front door and smiled at Joel and Amber who were waiting outside for her. She locked up and then the three of them set off to catch a bus to the next town, ready to start their night.


Four hours later and Libby was well on her way to being shitfaced. She and Amber had been sharing jugs of cocktails and she'd lost count of how much she'd had. All she knew was that she probably should slow down but she didn't want to. She was having far too much fun to stop now.

She was on the dancefloor, a loud 90s techno track blasting out. The floor was packed and the heat generating from all the bodies was extreme. She waved hands in the air, the alcohol in her system banishing her normal inhibitions. She was young, free and single,  and determined to enjoy every second of her night out. She'd seen a couple of men eying her up. None had had the balls to approach her though. She liked men with confidence, they had to make the first move. If they didn't, then that was their loss.

She could feel a bead of perspiration slowly running down into her cleavage, her forehead was clammy. It was so damn hot! Her head began to spin as she laughed and let Joel grab hold of her hand, twirling her around.

"Wooohoooo," she cried out in delight. What a night! And the night was still young. She may have the hangover from hell tomorrow but she was going to live in the moment. Who needed Sebastian Vettel anyway? She scowled at herself. Why did she have to think of him? She'd been perfectly content having fun. Now she felt slightly deflated. She decided she needed to move on. Maybe if she found someone else.... maybe she should approach one of those guys...

"More cocktail?" Amber screamed in her ear. Libby nodded enthusiastically and both girls headed back to their table. Amber topped up both their glasses. Libby picked hers up and downed it in one, before trying to fight the feeling of nausea that rose up inside her.

"Slow down Libby!" Amber told her. "You don't want to pass out this early!"

Libby laughed and topped her glass up again. Maybe passing out was a good idea. She wouldn't be thinking about him then.

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