51. One Snowy Sunday

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Libby slammed on the brakes.  It was too late to avoid contact but the car slowed down enough so it was just the slightest of hits.  

She sat gripping the steering wheel tightly, her body shaking like a leaf, small whimpers leaving her mouth.

The van driver leant on his horn before jumping out and storming over to confront Libby.

"What the hell were you playing at you stupid woman?" he demonstrated by her window. Somehow she managed to press the button that opened the window and looked up at the bearded fifty something man that was raging at her.

"I'm so sorry.   I didn't see you."

"My van's big enough!" The drivers expression softened as he saw Libby's tear stained face. "Hey are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Is there much damage?"

"I haven't actually looked yet." He walked around to the front of Libby's car. After bending down and inspecting his van, he came back. "Just a small scratch on my van. No harm done, but are you sure you're ok?"

Libby nodded,  although it was obvious she wasn't ok. Her hands were still clutching the steering wheel tightly. Tears were welling up in her eyes again. She didn't know if it was because of the accident or because of the revelations that had just rocked her world.

"I'm ok, I just need to park up. I need to ring my mum for my insurance details." Normally she'd keep her details in the car, but as she'd only just reinsured the car her mum had printed the documents out and they were still back at the house.

"Don't worry about that love," the driver said. "As I said, barely a scratch. The company won't even notice. If they do I'll say it must have happened when I was out of the vehicle. Your car isn't damaged at all."

"I really am so sorry. I...."

"Not being funny but you look like you shouldn't be behind the wheel right now."

"You're right. I'm going to park up and call my sister."

The driver nodded and headed back to his vehicle. He got in and drove off. Libby started the engine and pulled into a space at the side of the road. She rested her head on the steering wheel. She was a mess. Seb loved her. Her family had kept that from her. Her head was totally screwed. Now she'd narrowly avoided a serious accident. What the hell was she doing?

She sat for several minutes contemplating her options. She didn't know what to do! The only thing she did know was she wasn't safe to drive. She got out of the car, grabbing her backpack and locking the door behind her.

She looked at her surroundings and walked over the small hairdressers on the corner. She knew that Emmie had her hair done there.

The blonde on the desk smiled as she saw Libby enter. "Hey Emmie, your appointment isn't intil next Saturday."

"Actually, I'm Libby, Emmie's twin. Can I ask you a big favour? I need to leave my car outside. It's the teal BMW. Can I leave the key here for Emmie to come pick it up? I'll text her now."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know Emmie had a twin. She said she had two sisters but....yeah sure. That's not a problem."

"Thank you." Libby turned and headed outside, pulling her beanie down tighter onto her head. The wind was bitter cold. She took her phone out and sent Emmie a brief text,  telling her where to pick the car up, then she started walking down the street.

She soon came across a bus stop. After a quick perusal of the timetable she leant back against the bus shelter wall. There would be a bus along in a couple of minutes.

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