48. Life Goes On (2)

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August 2023

Libby looked around excitedly. She hadn't seen her brother for nearly nine months and she really couldn't wait to meet up with him here in Nashville. He was over during the Formula 1 summer break to watch the Indy Car race that was being held around the city streets.

After she'd realised that Indy Car would be racing in Nashville over the summer she'd texted Scott to see if he was coming and had been delighted to find out that he was. They'd arranged to meet at a Pizzeria near to his hotel.

"I still can't believe you're Scott McDevitt's sister!" Andreas exclaimed for what felt like the hundredth time. 

"Half sister," she corrected him yet again.

"Same thing.  I wonder what I'm going to find out about you next.  First you were Mike Krack's PA. Then you're Drew McDevitt's daughter and Scott's sister, sorry half sister.  Next l will find out you're Sebastian Vettel's secret wife or something."

Libby glared at Andreas.   He was too close to the truth.  She wasn't Seb's secret wife but she had been his lover for seven months. 

The door to the pizzeria opened and Libby smiled as she saw Scott walk in.   She stood up and rushed over to greet him.  He threw his arms around her, hugging her tightly.


"Libby! You look fantastic! It's so good to see you. I was so happy to get your text.  I can't believe you're living here in Nashville."

"Yeah, I loved it here and a job opportunity came up, so I stayed. I'm thinking about staying longer than originally planned as well."

"I suppose it keeps your mind off of you know who." Libby rolled her eyes. Seb wasn't Voldemort. She wasn't going to break if she heard his name. Scott released Libby from his hold.

"How is Seb?" she asked.

"Couldn't really tell you. I don't have much to do with him to be honest. I'll say hello in passing but he's not my favourite person after how he treated you. I know, he can't help not feeling the same way as you do but he could have treated you with more respect."

"Look, let's not talk about him. Today is about us, catching up. Come on, I want to introduce you to my friend,  Andreas."

"Friend?" Scott said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, friend. He's one of my flatmates."

As she led Scott back to the table she thought about how Andreas would like to be more than friends. He'd tried to kiss her not long after she'd moved in with him, Stefania and Anthoine. He'd taken it well when she'd told him she wasn't looking for anything romantic, but she still kept catching him watching her when he thought she wasn't looking. Still, he was a really nice guy and he'd offered to accompany her tonight as she'd felt nervous about walking the mile here with all the race fans on the streets.

Andreas stood up as they reached the table and held his hand out.

"It's an honour to meet you Mr McDevitt." Scott shook his hand.

"Call me Scott. Andreas isn't it?"

"Yes." They all sat down. Scott picked a menu up.

"I am starving. I think I could eat an extra large all to myself."

"Not good for your diet brother."

"It's summer break," he replied with a cheeky grin. Libby smiled. She wondered what Seb was doing for his summer break. Last year they'd spent it together. Firstly at her house, then her mum's, then at Seb's place in Switzerland. Maybe he had a new lover he was spending the summer with.

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