27. Trust

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Libby opened her front door, a massive smile on her face.

"Hey, come on in! I've just opened a bottle of white. Do you want some? Or would you prefer a beer?"

Seb smiled back nervously. This was the first time they'd seen each other face to face since the angry sex they'd engaged in in Austria. Well, angry on his part. Libby had just taken everything he'd thrown at her. She was amazing.  If only he'd met her before Carmen...

He walked past her into the house.  "Hey, you've been decorating," he stated, noticing the new pale green walls in the hallway.

"I have!" Libby exclaimed, pleased that he'd noticed. "I managed to get this done Wednesday before I went down to Mum's."

Seb headed into the kitchen. "So wine or beer?" Libby asked him.

"I will have a glass of wine cheers beautiful."

"You're sounding more and more British!" Libby laughed. "Cheers!"

She opened the fridge and took out a bottle of chilled Chardonnay. "Can you grab a couple of glasses out of the cupboard above the toaster please?"

Seb obliged and placed the two wine glasses down onto the counter. Libby took the corkscrew out of the drawer and after opening the bottle she poured them both a glass.

"So how's the sim been?" she asked, handing him his glass. He took a small sip.

"It's been ok. Would have been better if I'd had you to come back to each night," he said, placing his glass back on the counter. He plucked Libby's glass out of her hand and placed it next to his before placing his hands on her hips and moving closer to her. "I missed you." Libby had missed him too. She'd been at her mum's house since Wednesday. It was now Saturday.

Libby gazed at him. "You need a shave," she stated. "And a a haircut."

"Noted." His mouth descended onto hers, kissing her firmly but passionately. 

She linked her hands behind his neck and kissed him back.   He tasted divine, she was certain he'd just had something strawberry flavoured.   She pulled back slightly.

"Have you been eating strawberries?"

He laughed lightly. "You would make a wonderful detective Miss Valentine.  Indeed I have.  Well, strawberry ice cream anyway."

"Mmm," she murmured as she returned her mouth to his.   They kissed for a few minutes before Seb pulled away.  

"We need to talk," he said seriously. 

Libby felt a sense of dread pass through her.  He was going to end their arrangement wasn't he? Why else would he be so serious?

"Ok," she agreed, pulling out of his arms and picking her glass of wine up.   "Let's go into the lounge."

Seb followed her through.  He'd sensed the change in her mood when he'd told her they needed to talk.  The truth was he need to apologise to her for his behaviour in Austria. 

He'd been so frustrated and pissed off and he'd taken it out on her. It wasn't the rough, angry sex that had been playing on his mind.  It was how he'd treated her afterwards, telling her to put her knickers on and go.  He'd treated her like a whore and she deserved better than that. 

They both sat down on the sofa, a small gap between them. 

"Look at me Libs," Seb said softly.  She lifted her chin and looked into his eyes. 
"Libs, I..."

"It's ok. I understand."

"You do?" he asked, confused. 

"Yes, we were only ever meant to be temporary.  I get it, you're bored of me, or you've met someone...". He began to laugh, causing Libby to scowl at him.  What was so funny?

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