10. The Pleasure

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It wasn't a tender kiss. It was raw and wild. Their teeth clashed as their tongues battled for control.

Seb wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her buttocks. He took a few steps backwards and they tumbled onto the sofa, hungrily devouring each other.

Libby ran her fingers through his hair, tugging it as her sexual arousal soared off the scale. She had to fuck him. She needed him inside her. Seb bit down on her bottom lip. He pulled back, tugging with his teeth, his left hand moving to her pyjama clad breast. He squeezed it hard. He groaned as he felt his cock straining to get out of his jeans.

Libby pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She grabbed the bottom of her pyjama top and pulled it up over her head. Seb groaned again with desire as he looked up at her sitting on top of him topless. Her tits were even more exquisite than he'd imagined. He reached up and began caressing them both, running his thumbs over her rock hard nipples. She began to grind herself on his crotch shamelessly.

"Fuck Libby! You're so fucking sexy." She leant forward, and took his mouth again, kissing him deeply. He slid his hands around her and inside her pyjama bottoms, caressing her smooth buttocks. He then squeezed them hard, his fingers digging into her skin. Damn, he'd love to spank her ass until it was red with his hand print.

He wrenched his lips away again. He pulled himself into a sitting position and buried his face in her cleavage.

Libby groaned as she felt his tongue snake out and lick down the valley between her breasts.  He kissed his way around until he sucked a nipple into his mouth.  She whimpered as he flicked his tongue relentlessly over it. She gasped as felt his teeth tugging on it. 

"Jesus Libby! I'm so fucking hard for you."  She knew he was.  She could feel him pushing against her core, only their clothing stood in the way of him sliding inside her.  He sucked her other nipple into his mouth, his teeth sinking into her sensitive flesh. 

Libby had never ever felt so turned on.  She needed him.  She swung a leg off of him, allowing him to flip her onto her back.  Then he was knelt between her legs, his hand on his jeans button.  He undid it and drew the zip down slowly. 

Libby grabbed hold of the bottom of his T-shirt. He knew what she wanted. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the floor.  Libby pulled him down so he was laid on her.  She kissed him greedily, her breasts pushed up against his muscular chest.  "Talk dirty to me," she whispered against his lips. 

"Jesus Libs. My cock is fit to explode.   I want to be inside you.   I wanna feel your wet pussy squeezing me.   But I also want to be in your mouth.  I want to push my cock down your throat.  I want to make you gag on it before I take it out and fuck you hard with it.  I want you to scream for more.  I want to taste you, to bury my face in you.  I've wanted you from the minute I saw you.  You need to be fucked hard Libby Valentine.  You need to be shown who you being to.  You're mine."

"I'm no-one's."

"It will be my name you're screaming later."

He kissed her again, they were both moaning with desire.   Then all of a sudden Seb stood up.  Libby looked up at him. 

He stood there looking down at her, his jeans were only just hanging on to his hips, they were gaping open and she could see a glimpse of his pubic hair showing above his underwear. 

"Let's take this to your bedroom," he said.  She nodded and stood up.  She took his hand and led him out of the lounge and up the stairs. 

Seb followed her eagerly.  He wanted her naked, writhing beneath him.  He entered her bedroom, not paying the slightest bit of attention to anythin other than his final goal.  The bed.   He grabbed Libby and pulled her towards him, yanking her pyjama bottoms down. He was thrilled to see she wasn't wearing any underwear. She stepped out of her pyjamas and her hands went to his waistband. He stopped her.

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