author's note

335 20 8

started; march 19th, 2022
finished; saturday, january 21st 2023

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This text is covered by the international copyright laws. This content may not be copied to another computer, published, stored, reproduced, or altered in any way. Any variations of this is punishable by law.

© 2022 by orangexmint

All rights reserved

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a few words of caution

(now i am not the best with words but i am going to try) but this book deals with the themes of religious corruption; the idea of straying from one's faith because of temptation and desire. i will not go into full detail about the plot because obviously, if you read, you will learn more as we go about the story line, but if the idea of demons tempting innocent beings for selfish desires upsets you, then i would suggest not reading this story. This story is not here to mock religion either, i fully respect what you believe in (but again, this book deals with the idea of questioning one's faith, god's teachings and straying from god) and should that make you uncomfortable, then please don't read. find a story better suited for you, trust me, i will not be offended.

this story will also have abusive/corrupt/harmful characters who use others for their own sake/personal gain, and a variety of other things. please keep in mind that this is not how i view the members of BTS, this is a fanfiction, none of this is real. i will also not have my characters call out the behaviour of the other characters who are considered harmful and/or causing pain. they are going to do things that make you squirm and feel umcomfortable. i as an author, should not have to tell you that what my characters are doing is wrong, you yourself should be able to make that distinction. A part of me just wanted to try my hand writing something out of my norm that is morally questionable. I do not encourage the behaviour of the characters in this story, you should not harm people for personal pleasure or gain, or try to take advantage of anyone, ever. You shouldn't touch people without permission or force them into things that would harm them or make them uncomfortable.

so if any of these upset you, or make you uncomfortable, do not read. i have plenty of other works that you can indulge in that are more light hearted and happy, and there are millions of stories here, and elsewhere that might be better suited for you. i will not be offended if you chose to skip over this story.

i will provide a trigger warning (tw) for the chapters that involve the heavier topics

and last but not least, this is a two part story. The Temptation of Park Jimin is a Park Jimin fanfiction, with hints towards vmin and minjoon, and a short story prequel leading up to the real story that will follow this one. The Sequel to this will be a yoonmin story.

again, please don't read this if it'll make you uncomfortable, the last thing i wish to do as an author is upset you, the reader. but if you are brave enough to delve deeper into this story, i do hope you enjoy the more twisted part of my mind.

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