twenty [fin.]

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[trigger warning]
this chapter contains the following: nudity, broken wings, blood, vulgar language and minor depictions of physical abuse, i.e. being stepped on, sexual content, sexual assault/abuse
If any of these things make you uncomfortable read at own risk/don't read at all; your mental health in more important than my views

 being stepped on, sexual content, sexual assault/abuseIf any of these things make you uncomfortable read at own risk/don't read at all; your mental health in more important than my views

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————— ♱ —————

—ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS AN EDGE; an edge of the heavens where the angels sat and watched mankind and the Lord's creations below.

Once upon a time, there was an edge of the heavens where the angels did not go — an edge shrouded by darkness; a desolate void of black, smoky, clouds — whispers and screams that reminded angels of what happened when they strayed too far from God.

Once upon a time there was an angel, disgruntled by another's lack of faith in him — an angel mesmerized by the curious pair of red eyes that peeked over the edge of the void, beckoning him with lust in his voice and pretty lies...which was just enough to draw him over the edge when no one expected.

————— ♱ —————

Jimin was falling; it burned.

Was it supposed to hurt?

Jimin was screaming. His whole body felt as if it were burning up as he tumbled from the sky. He could see Heaven disappearing in a flash of red — Namjoon's voice thundering loudly in the distance. Fear bubbled up inside of him as he twisted in the air, lighting flashing all around him. Jimin couldn't see Taehyung anywhere.

The ground rushed forward to greet him.

He doesn't remember hitting the ground. He doesn't remember blacking out.

It's raining when he awakes; Jimin had heard about rain — It's colder than he expected.

His body is sore — he's exhausted — and he's horrified to find that he's naked. He scrambled to cover himself with his wings, embarrassed, and shrieked in pain when he felt something crack. He crumpled in on himself, gasping in agony. He does not want to look, but he can't help himself as he peeked over his shoulder in horror, taking in the sight of his broken and bent wing. Feathers were strewn everywhere, and there's blood seeping from his wounds.

Jimin whimpered, crying silently at himself.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. All he wanted to do was help people.

"Look. At. You."

A man stepped from the forest's edge, into the clearing, smiling at him with malicious intent. Jimin stared on in shock and disbelief. This man looked like Taehyung, but that couldn't be.

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