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—SOFT, DELICATE, WHITE WINGS UNTOUCHED BY SIN STRETCHED OVER FLUFFY CLOUDS AS THE YOUNG ANGEL STARED DOWN AT THE MORTAL REALM. He had child-like eyes filled with wonder and hope. A soft smile spread across his features as he watched the more advanced angels fly about, many preparing for their earthly duties. Jimin longed to be one of them — to spread love and joy and the wonder of the Lord to mortals, to share in his kindness and righteousness.

It was easy to see why Park Jimin was the favourite among the newlings. He had all the qualities that were considered highly sought after amongst most. Envied even, though it was sinful to be envious; kind hearted, a gentle and sweet personality, a willingness to help and guide those who had drifted too far back to the lord — it's what made them who they are.

Park Jimin was also innocent — perhaps a little more innocent than his counterparts, constantly shying away from the harshness and cruelty of the world. Hushed whispers about whether or not he would be able to handle the real world circulated around (amongst other rumours). It was no secret that he would achieve great things, but how could he when he shied away from evil? Angels had to be brave as well as kind.

Park Jimin was naive and inquisitive, maybe a little too inquisitive for some Archs, but easy enough to shut down. Jimin's questioning was that of a child who was witnessing something for the first time, and couldn't quite wrap his head around what was truly happening. He wasn't asking to argue, he was asking to learn, and he would have to learn eventually, but for the time being, it wasn't nothing Kim Namjoon couldn't handle.

The Arch watched him fondly from across the way, admiring his wings in the sunlight. He couldn't wait to see what sort of things he would accomplish — what they could accomplish together.

Perhaps that's what drew him to the angel. Pure, untouched innocence, and a million questions to be answered. Oh the things he could tell him, if only he would stray. He'd never played with an angel before; the lies he could tell him, the ways he could fuck him — he wanted to make his skin crawl with pleasure and horror. He wanted to ruin him with unholy thoughts and sounds and pretty pleases...

He wanted to break him.

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and so it begins; see you next friday

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now