two [m]

149 11 2

[trigger warnings]
this chapter will contain the following: sexual content, vulgar language, religious corruption through sexual acts, coercion into sex (taehyung persuades someone into having sex with him even though they said no the first time/somewhat con-non-con), saying the lords name in vein
If any of these themes make you uncomfortable, you do not have to read this chapter/do not force yourself to read it if you do not think you can handle it; please take of yourself

[trigger warnings]this chapter will contain the following: sexual content, vulgar language, religious corruption through sexual acts, coercion into sex (taehyung persuades someone into having sex with him even though they said no the first time/so...

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At some point in his existence, luring humans in with meaningless promises had become more of a chore than it was pleasurable. He used to thrive off the looks in their eyes once they realized what he was — what he had taken from them. Now it was tiresome; their cries annoyed him, their pleas and begging pathetic. Nowadays humans were too willing to hand themselves over to him and indulge in their unholy desires. A lack of faith amongst mortals as he put it. Taehyung wanted a challenge. He wanted resistance, to be denied and then have that single moment when they could no longer hold back and give in to him. Only then would breaking them bring him joy.

Boredom did not satisfy his needs, however, which is how he found himself in a bathroom stall at some club that had horrid neon lighting, with a pretty boy on his knees before him. He'd been attracted to the innocent look in his eyes — it was obvious he'd never been inside a club before, let alone a strip club — and the cross necklace around his neck. The horror of the vulgarity and nakedness of the women around the boy brought Taehyung pleasure.

Dragged there unwillingly by the wrong friends made him the perfect target and it had only taken him a few words to have him ditching that necklace of his in a cup of untouched liquor...only a few simple touches to have him trailing after him into a stall like a lost puppy...only one kiss to have him kneeling with his mouth around his cock, sucking him off.

"Oh god," he breathed, carding his fingers through the boy's hair. He'd neglected to ask his name, and to be quite frank he didn't care, but for someone who'd never committed a sexual act in his life, it was almost like this boy was made for sucking. The warmth of his mouth felt heavenly around him. "Look at me," he commanded.

Pretty, brown eyes, wide with lust stared up at him, half rolled back. It was certainly a sight to behold, and Taehyung almost wished those friends of his could see him now; and he told him so. "I bet you'd like that," Taehyung mused, pulling his hips back a little and then pushing forward ever so slightly. "-being watched by all those boys. I bet you'd even suck them off too if they asked, eager to please anyone hmm?"

And the boy nodded — how could he not? Taehyung's eyes had him in a hold, and he was positive he'd do anything the man asked, desperate to feel him near. It was almost pathetic how easily he gave in, but the weak minded were so easily tempted these days.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now