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— WARM, GOLDEN RAYS OF SUNLIGHT FLOODED THE HEAVENS AS PARK JIMIN STARED OVER THE EDGE. A small pout formed on his face as he stretched his wings far and wide; white feathers reflecting blindly in the sun's light. Beside him, several newlings talked about the mortal realm and what it would be like to walk amongst them. Some spoke of the horrors humans did — overheard from conversations of those who'd been down there — and their plans to bring them peace. Others spoke about the wholesome doings that restored their faith in humanity.

"We have to help them," he heard one of them say. "They'd be lost without our guidance,"

"I heard Lee and Johyun are going on their first mission. I'm so envious!" another said, sounding almost distraught.

"Don't say that! Envy is a sin! You'll be punished! Oh...oh, but I can't help but feel the same way,"

Jimin supposed he was a little envious too. Here he was (again), sitting on the edge after being denied a chance to earn his halo. Namjoon had once again intervened, telling him what he'd always had.

"You're a very special angel, Park Jimin. You're kind, gentler than the other newlings, and you have this raw desire to help others humans and angels alike. Those are traits to take pride in," although the idea of taking pride in something made Jimin very wary because pride was a sin, but he couldn't really help it when it was Namjoon telling him to do so. He was, after all, naive, and when the Archs told you to do something, you did it right? Was it really wrong to be prideful if it was coming from them?

"these traits are what make you a great angel. The best of the best I can't wait to see what good you'll bring to this world, Jimin. A gift as special as you needs to be shared with everyone," Namjoon was always telling him about the things he could achieve but...


"Your time with come soon enough,"

"I'm ready now,"

"You're not ready. You still have much to learn,"

"How can I learn when you won't answer my questions? Is it not your job to teach me about the world? You never"

"Do you doubt my teachings?" Namjoon once asked him. "Do you doubt me?"

"N-No! I just - I was only asking, Hyung, I"

"To ask is to doubt Jimin, and if you doubt"

"Then where is your faith?" Jimin replied glumly.

"Precisely. Have faith Jimin, and one day, when the lord sees fit, the world will come to know you and your greatness,"

He would never get the chance though, for fate was a cruel thing and God had already damned the angel.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future," none of which Jimin would see. They all had their place in the world and Jimin's was not of the holy kind.

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almost forgot to update today; I really need to keep better track of time

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now