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—MONTHS WOULD PASS; Namjoon felt satisfied in his success. Most days Jimin would not even leave his room, opting to pray instead of venture, and on the days that he did go out, he stayed far away from every edge of the heaven, keeping close to Namjoon's side. He'd found fear and comfort in the fear in Jimin's eyes, content that he would always have him by his side now.

Namjoon took pride in knowing Jimin sought him for comfort when nightmares plagued his mind. He took pride in the fact that Jimin had stopped asking questions, and the ones he did ask were easy to brush off or answer without too much detail. For the most part, Jimin sat quietly, sullen and dazed. There was no life in his eyes, not that Namjoon could see the damage he'd done. As long as Jimin was right where he belonged — by his side — he didn't care what sort of mental state he was in.

The others were not pleased by this.

Jimin had begun to mature, grow, adapt, and Namjoon came along and broke him out of anger and fear.

"You've damned his soul, Namjoon, we've all heard the rumours. You can't shelter him like this!"

"I'm protecting him!"

"Are you? This isn't the first Angel we've lost under your tutelage,"

"He. Will. Not. Fall."

He wouldn't. He couldn't.

Humanity had survived this long without him — they could continue to survive on their own.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now