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Jimin raised his head, meeting a cold gaze.

"No. I'm not,"

Jimin had stopped worrying about what sort of punishment Namjoon would throw at him. He'd handle it.

He could see Namjoon's anger spilling over that calm facade he tried to put up. He'd been annoyed all week, and had done nothing to hide it, especially around the Arch. He'd greeted Namjoon with resistance, and spite, and sarcasm galore whenever the two were in close proximity. He'd have rather spent the day in his room, praying, than have to spend one waking minute next to him. He'd rather sit on the edge of Heaven, the temptation to jump lingering in the back of his mind, if he didn't have to listen to him talk.

"Tch, and you wonder why I won't let you go; you've grown arrogant,"

"Is that what you think this is? Arrogancy? Don't mistake my frustration for arrogance, Joon, I'm upset with you, and you don't seem to care the slightest bit,"

"I won't have this conversation again,"

"Then we're done here. I have nothing more to say to you, good day,"

"Don't you walk away from me Jimin-"

"Or what?" he challenged. Namjoon tensed at the tone of his voice. It was raspier, deeper even, nothing like the soft tone he was used to. Namjoon didn't like it. He wanted his Jimin back. Jimin scoffed, eyes rolling as he smirked at him. "Yeah, that's what I thought,"

Jimin walked away, leaving Namjoon to seeth in quiet resentment.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now