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—TAEHYUNG WAS ALREADY WAITING FOR HIM, AS IF HE KNEW HE WAS COMING, and frowned when he saw how upset he was.

"Oh, Angel, what's wrong?"

"He ruined everything," Jimin snapped.

"Who did," though Tae already knew the answer to that.

"Namjoon, that...that BASTARD! He convinced them to go back on their word!"

Taehyung growled lightly. He was going to have to do something about this Kim Namjoon sooner than later. But then Jimin was kissing him, practically throwing himself into the void on his own free terms, and Taehyung was momentarily distracted.

"You promised me," Jimin said between kisses. "You said that when I was better, you would take me," — Jimin's lips found his neck — "You said we'd save the world one soul at a time,"

Taehyung smiled, unable to hide his joy any longer.

"I did," he whispered, devilishly.

"Well I'm ready; I'm so sick and tired of their lies, and their lack of faith. You said you'd show me the world — so show me,"

"Are you sure?" and the response was carnal, as Jimin snarled at him with anger and he pulled his head back up to look at him.

"Don't tell me you're like them,"

Taehyung laughed, loud and proud.

"Now, now, love, don't get feisty with me, I just want to make sure you truly want this," he grinned.

Jimin pulled him in for another kiss.

"Yes," he panted against his lips. "Yes, I'm ready. Show me what I've been missing,"


But Namjoon's cries were cut off by Taehyung's voice at his ear.

"Very well, Angel,"

Taehyung's hands were on his waist and then...

And then he was falling.

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talk about a cliffhanger am I right?

here's the deal my loves, I am supposed to be moving next week; I don't know if I'll even have internet. there is one chapter left. whether or not I'll be posting the chapter thursday or until after I move is still up for debate. I might leave it until after we move just so I'm not stressing about, or I'll do it next thursday if I remember and when I come back, I'll start posting the sequel to this story

I do appreciate you all sticking with me for this story, I do hope that you'll stay around to continue Jimin's storyline

see you (hopefully) next week

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