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How dare he go behind his back like this! Petitioning the Archs without his permission!

And for them to have the audacity to tell him that there was nothing more for him to teach Jimin — that they had made a mistake in thinking he could prepare him properly for his purpose; that he'd done nothing but hindered his maturity and break him over and over again out of anger and jealousy?! Were they honestly still upset over the little stunt he had pulled over a year ago? It wasn't his fault that Jimin had been reckless and gone looking for shadows. He needed to be punished, it was necessary for him to see that his actions had consequences.

No. This wouldn't do.

He wouldn't let him go.

He'd keep Jimin safe, even if it meant chaining him down.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now