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Three Months Later

—JIMIN COULD FEEL HIS NERVES SPIKING AS HE SAT BY THE EDGE OF THE VOID. It seemed his visitations to this side of heaven had not gone fully unnoticed by some of the other angels, but none of them seemed to be aware of Taehyung's presence amongst the clouds. It often led him to wonder if he should continue to return to him day after day now that the others knew.

"If Namjoon catches you, you'll be in so much trouble!"

"You know we're not supposed to go there! What are you thinking! Stop retaliating! You'll get to where we are one day, but you have to be patient. Don't throw away your soul before you've got the chance to be great Jimin,"

"There's nothing over there for you!"

But there was. Taehyung was over there, and unlike everyone else around him, Taehyung would listen to him, and answer his never ending list of questions.

"Why do humans do bad things?"

"Some people are born into evil, others become it, some are tempted; it's how the world works love, not everyone is good,"

"Do they all believe in god?"

"No. Other religions exist, along with other gods. Some religions on Monotheistic while others are Polytheistic,"

"What does that mean?"

"Mono means one — take Christianity or Catholicism. Poly means more than one — like the Greeks or Norse. Faith is a personal thing. People will choose one that benefits them the most, though many are born into families who are already faithful, and continue to stay faithful. Some might chose to break away, and seek faith elsewhere,"

"Does it matter if one is Christian or not? If they all believe in a god in the end, and are trying to bring good into this world without harming others, surely it can't be an issue,"

"It's not that simple. Some think that their religion is the best religion, and everyone should follow their way of life or they'll be damned for eternity. Others don't care so much as to who you follow or believe in so long as you have faith and are trying to be good people. Some don't believe in god at all — no, that doesn't make them inherently bad, atheists are people at the end of the day, and a majority of them are lovely people, who still do good things, because kindness is not a principle of faith, it's a principle of life. Everyone should be kind to one another, regardless if you believe in a god,"

"That seems like a stupid thing to be angry about — why does it matter who you believe in so long as you believe and are good,"

"Humans are funny like that,"

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now