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—LIVING IN FEAR DISTURBED JIMIN; he longed to be free of his mind.

He longed to be free of him.

He was tired of waking up from nightmares. He could still hear Lee's screams, see the way his body twitched. Some nights Lee would pay him a visit, his face haunting him whenever he closed his eyes.

"You let them kill me. Why didn't you save me! I thought you wanted to save people!"

"I DO!"

I did...

Jimin wanted to be down there. Maybe then, he could rid himself of Namjoon.

But Namjoon would never let him go.

"Earth will go on without you, Jimin, just like it always has. They don't need you,"

"But you said that I could help them, that I'd do great things...I don't understand, why can't-"

"How many times are we going to have this conversation, Jimin, you're not ready for that,"

"I was ready,"

"And now you're not. They don't deserve someone like you Jimin. You're better off staying here with me,"

"You'll leave me though," Jimin huffed. "You always leave me. Why don't you have faith in me?"

"Why would you think—"

"If you had any faith in me you'd have let me go by now," Jimin sighed. "-but you haven't. Instead, you've kept me chained here,"

"I'm protecting you Jimin,"

"From what?"

"From everything! Don't you understand that!"

"No," Jimin whispered. "I don't,"

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now