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All he wanted was to help people — to prove that he could – no – was good enough to help, that he was kind enough, and each time he was met with resistance.

You aren't ready.

They're not ready.

They don't deserve you.

I'm protecting you.

I care about you.

You can't handle it.

I don't want you to fall.

You're not ready.

All Jimin heard was excuses, lies, empty promises. He felt chained to the heavens, a prisoner in his own home, and he was dying to escape.

He wanted nothing to do with Namjoon. He was tired of his teachings.

We don't need him, the voice in his head told him. He's holding us back. We'd be so much stronger without him.

He scowled as he walked beside Namjoon. He didn't care if he saw how unhappy he was. Jimin had given up looking pleased months ago. Now he walked around with the same sort of glaring frown Namjoon wore, startling the others. He was changing once more, and no one knew how to handle him. He was plotting a way to get to Earth — he wasn't even concerned with helping humanity, he just wanted to get away.

His best option was to wait for Namjoon to return to Earth, and then petition the Archs himself, without Namjoon's permission, and hope that when he returned, they'd send him away, putting distance between the two. The voice was right. He didn't need Namjoon. He was better off on his own.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now