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[trigger warnings]
the following chapter will contain: sensual dreams/implied sexual activity
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, do not read/read with caution

[trigger warnings]the following chapter will contain: sensual dreams/implied sexual activityIf any of this makes you uncomfortable, do not read/read with caution

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He couldn't get the eyes out of his head; not to mention the dreams he'd been having since.

The first night he saw them, Jimin dreamt that he'd been lost in the void, surrounded by several pairs of eyes, and a terrible whisper that promised him all sorts of things if only he gave in.

Give into what? He wondered. Jimin had no desires.

The dreams only intensified and with each passing night, the eyes grew closer and closer until he dreamt that they were right between his thighs — something wet slithering down there and when he awoke, he could still feel the tingling sensation pooling between his legs. A warmth he was not familiar with.

What scared Jimin even more was that he liked it.

The angel knew he needed answers, but he also knew that no one would offer him any if he turned to them. And if word got out — especially to Namjoon — that he'd gone to the edge, and was dreaming about monsters, and eyes, and warmth between his thighs...Jimin didn't want to think about what might happen to him.

The only way to figure out what was happening to him was to do it himself, and that meant returning to the edge to see if he could find the eyes once more.

He felt nauseous as he slipped through the courtyard silently. He was sure the lord could see him, but nothing had happened to give him any indication that this was wrong. Perhaps it was a test. A test to see how he'd react in such a situation. If nobody was stopping him...maybe this was something he had to do, and he had to do it alone.


Jimin halted all movement, and prayed. He asked God for a sign — a strike of lightning perhaps — to see if this was something he should be doing. Then he waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And when no strike came, Jimin let out the breath he was holding in and continued on towards the edge.

Once upon a time, there was an edge; an edge of the heavens so quiet that it sent shivers down the angel's spine. The black clouds swirled without noise as white lights flickered from within. It was like watching a lightning show without the thunder. It was magical to watch.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now