author's note

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I first came up with the idea for this story over a year ago, but I only finished writing/editing it back in January of this year. Funny enough, I came up with the sequel idea first and THEN decided I wanted to go back and write what happened before the fall.

And now, after (technically) only six months of work, I have finished it. I'm really grateful to all of you who have stuck around for this story I know it's not usually what I write (in terms of ships, as I mostly write yoonmin) but I'm hoping that I've enticed you enough with this story that you'll stick around to see what happens next in the storyline (and I promise Yoongi will be there this time)

I hope you guys enjoyed The Temptation of Park Jimin and I will be uploading the sequel in a few short minutes. However, you will have to wait until next Friday for the prologue of the story, as I am moving tomorrow (hopefully) and won't have internet until Tuesday.

again, thank you for reading this story of mine, and I hope to see you in the future (:

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