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—ONCE UPON A TIME, THERE WAS AN EDGE; the edge of the heavens where the angels sat and watched mankind, and the creations of the lord below. From their Holy Place, the angels saw all: the good, the bad, and the downright sinister acts they caused. And it would be the angels who would mingle amongst them in hopes of swaying them from their evils ways, and send them back to god to save their righteous souls, and set right the wrongs caused by demons that hid in the shadows, whispering horrible things in the ears of the easily corrupted.

Once upon a time, there was an edge; the edge of the heavens where the angels did not go except for strays, many of which were either smart enough never to return or those who had to be dragged away by the Archs, lest their souls be damned for eternity. And edge shrouded by darkness — a desolate void of black, smoky clouds, whispers and screams that reminded the angels of what happened when they strayed too far from God. The images of their fallen haunting them in the shadows of their minds — shadows where angels should not lurk.

Once upon a time there was an angel disgruntled by another's lack of faith in him — an angel mesmerized by the curious pair of red eyes that peeked over the edge of the void, beckoning him with lust in his voice and pretty lies...which was just enough to draw him to the edge when no one was looking.

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