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[trigger warnings]
the following chapter contains: abuse, degredation? (I say this questioningly - namjoon calls jimin names), hitting, yelling, aggressive behaviour
If any of these themes make you uncomfortable, read at your own risk/don't read at all; your mental health is more important

[trigger warnings]the following chapter contains: abuse, degredation? (I say this questioningly - namjoon calls jimin names), hitting, yelling, aggressive behaviourIf any of these themes make you uncomfortable, read at your own risk/don't read at ...

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Yoongi's words had haunted him since that day; he had not been able to get it out of his head.

"Rumour has it he'll be one of the damned,"

Namjoon had heard the rumours before. They'd been circulating for a while now. Perhaps that was why he was so hellbent on protecting him. Jimin truly was special — more than Yoongi ever could be — and he would be better than him, Namjoon would see to that personally. He had to prove him wrong.

But the fear was there, and it would not be settled until he saw Jimin.

However, he could not seem to find the young angel anywhere when he returned home. Surely he'd known that he was returning today and would be excited to see him. Namjoon had assumed he'd be waiting for him by the gates.

Jimin was nowhere to be found.


Namjoon wasn't one to often experience fear – he had total control over himself – but not knowing where Jimin was, did something to him.

"Where did you go?" he wondered aloud, softly.

He found him by the edge of Heaven, peering down at the humans; just like how he'd left him months ago. Namjoon should have known.

He was right where he belonged.

He sighed, a heartwarming smile creeping onto his face as he approached.


The angel turned to look at him and-


Jimin smiled at him.

There was something in his eyes — in the softness of his smile as his mouth curved upwards — that irks him.

There's no childlike wonder in his eyes. His smile isn't one of excitement, but of warmth. The way one smiled at an old friend.

He could almost see his smile in him, and shuddered at the thought.

"Namjoon! You're back!"

Even his voice sounded so mature and grown up.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now