nineteen /2

50 8 0

[trigger warnings]
this chapter contains the following: brief depictions of physical abuse
if any of this makes you uncomfortable, do not read/read at your own risk; your mental health is more important than my views

[trigger warnings]this chapter contains the following: brief depictions of physical abuseif any of this makes you uncomfortable, do not read/read at your own risk; your mental health is more important than my views

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————— ♱ —————


Namjoon flinched; he was expecting a different outcome, but as he stared Jimin down, he wondered if he'd been in over his head about this. This wasn't his angel before him, this was...something else entirely.

Namjoon stood up straight. He had been hoping Jimin would come to see reason. Understand why he did what he'd done. "Yes Namjoon, I'm sorry. I understand that I was being selfish when I went to the Archs and petitioned for the right of my Halo, I apologize for going behind your back, that was rude of me. I know I'm not ready, and I trust your guidance," He had played that over and over again in his head, because that's how it always went.

He'd have to punish him twice now; once for his betrayal, and the other for his attitude.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. You need to understand that this is what's best, I did this for-"

"No, you don't get to stand there and tell me this is for my good. You did this for you, because you're selfish. You know that if I'm out there, you can't control me. I'm sick and tired of you holding me back, and pretending that you care about me, because you don't. This is all about you!"

Namjoon slapped him — hard — enjoying it a little too much when Jimin stumbled backwards. But the younger didn't fall like he'd hoped, rather, he stood his ground, straightening back up to match his height as best he could.

"Enough. You've already upset me twice now, let's not try for a third now,"

Jimin cradled his face angrily.

"You have to let me go. I'm ready to serve the Lord now,"

"And I told you that you aren't ready for–"

"That's not for you to decide, though, isn't it? The Archs agreed-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY WANT!" Namjoon shouted. He exhaled loudly, breathing through his nose as he seethed with anger. "How many times must I tell you not to doubt my teachings? You need to have faith, Jimin or–"

"It's you who needs to have faith," Jimin spat. "I have faith — I had Faith that the Archs might see reason and give me a chance to prove myself, and you took that away from me. You're the one who needs to have faith in me! You've never had any! You've been lying to me my whole life, and I refuse to be your toy any longer! I'm sick of your lies, and I'm sick of your teachings!"

Jimin took flight, hoping to put as much distance between him and Kim Namjoon as possible.


"Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should have known better than to think he'd be happy for me! Of course he'd react this way! Selfish. Arch. Angel!" Jimin grumbled furiously as tears spilled down his cheeks. "How could he do this to me! They already agreed to send me there! How could they!"

A sob wracked through him as he wrapped his wings around himself.



Jimin wiped at his eyes.



No! Don't go! It's a bad idea!

But Jimin was already running to the void.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now